Monday, February 17, 2014

Car Problems

Hello sweet friends, hope your week is going well. Ours has started out rough. We are experiencing car problems. They told Eddie, to get the problem fixed it will cost us between $800.00 -$1,000.00 Yikes, that is a lot of money, that we do not have. But, we only have the one car, and it is old(2000 mustang) I give God praise for everything. Without Him, we would have no car, and Eddie would not have a job. I know He will help us through this, please say a prayer for us.


YoSueño said...

Espero que todo se solucione pronto el creador siempre esta cuando se le necesita.Un ABRAZO

Inger said...

I know you will find a way, you have faith. Still, I'm sorry this expensive problem had to happen to you guys.

LeAnn said...

Prayers are sent and I know how hard these moments can be we have been there.
Blessings and hugs for you both and I hope you can figure it all out.

Lisa in Texas = ) said...

Praying that God will provide the money needed. It's amazing the ways that God works!
God bless, Lisa :O

Chatty Crone said...

I hope and pray for you to get your car fixed. Sorry. I love your header. Can I borrow it?

Joyful said...

Lord please help Eddie and Denise through this hardship. Provide for them as only you can do and give them peace. Bring peace to their home also. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

Great-Granny Grandma said...
