Saturday, February 15, 2014

Little Man

I went to see my little man yesterday, had to make a valentine delivery to him. He loves the ninja turtles, his favorite one is Leonardo. For Christmas, I got him a giant ninja turtle pillow. For valentines day, I got him a ninja turtle night light, and bedspread. He does not like chocolate, so I got him some starburst, and skittles, heart shaped cookies, and cupcakes. But, most of all, I gave him hugs, and kisses. I love, love, love that boy.


Hootin Anni said...

...and I am positive the love you have for him is felt right back to you from him.

Alice said...

My boys love the TMNT too:)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a cutie. My little Prince Charming is in his monster stage....actions too!

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Denise, sounds like the perfect time spent with your darling little guy.
Wishing you love and blessings.
Have a nice weekend and hope you are feeling better.

Joyful said...

How sweet! I've never heard of a child who doesn't like chocolates. He is unique, isn't he? Hopefully that will save him from eating too much junk over the years. Glad you had some special time with him. Sending you hugs. xx

Pamela said...

Oh how sweet. Don't our grandchildren make our joy complete? So happy you have a "little man."

~Neverforsaken~Lisa Dreamchild said...

Sounds like fun!
My granddaughters are planning to come visit next weekend...I can't wait to get in some snuggles too!

sweetvintageofmine said...

Glad you got to spend time with Little man! Blessings~~~Roxie

RCUBEs said...

I'm glad you have him in your life, your source of joy, too!

Ceil said...

Hi Denise! Sounds like you had a wonderful Valentine holiday with your 'Little Man'. What a generous Grandma you are. All that wonderful candy and cupcakes too :)

I'm so happy for our families. Where would we be without them??

Sharon said...

Oh, the days of Ninja Turtles! My sons loved them, too. Each of us was a different turtle. I was Raphael.

And you give that sweet little man all the hugs you can! They grow up way too fast!!


Peggy said...

I used to teach 4 year olds in a preschool. They loved to play Ninja Turtles. I love that age. they are so cute and sweet.

Denise said...

So good to hear from You.I'm glad You stopped by. Sounds like good times with Our little ones-That's just what I like.Hugs and blessings Denise

Laurie Collett said...

I'm sure you both had a lovely Valentine's Day! God bless.

Anonymous said...

It is fun to share the holidays with a special little man!

Dee said...

I know little man Loves Loves Loves you in returnā™„ To those who love...much love is given. :)

Dieneke said...

Dear Denise,
Thanks for visiting my blog and for your warm comment!
Love you too!!

LeAnn said...

I am sure that Little Man loves you so much and enjoys all the love you give to him.
Blessings and hugs to you both!