“Love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant…” 1 Corinthians 13:4 Last week we looked at jealousy, and wanting what someone else has. This week we’re looking at the unloving twins – bragging (boasting) and arrogance, or trying to make others jealous of what we have. While jealousy puts people down, bragging and arrogance, puts ourselves up much higher than we desire.
Questions to ponder:
•Do you boast about your abilities, gifts, accomplishments, or possessions? No, I do not boast about my abilities, gifts, accomplishments, or possessions. We should never be guilty of boasting, instead, we should forever thank our Father God, Who blesses us with all that we have, and all that we are.
•Are you self-promoting, trying to draw attention to yourself with your words? No, I am not self-promoting. I try my best to always be God-promoting. I want my words to lead others to Him.
•Do you flatter others, with a secret hope of advancement?
No, I do not flatter others with a secret hope of advancement. I flatter others, to encourage them, and show love to them.
•Do you enjoy telling about your achievements, more than listening to the accomplishments of others? No, I would much rather hear of the accomplishments of others.
•Are you content to do good works, without recognition or praise? Definitely, I never want the praise. The praise totally belongs to my Father God, always.
•Do you accept credit for things God has done? No, and may I never be guilty of that.
•Do you have an accurate assessment of your strengths and weaknesses? I pray that I do.
•Do you harbor a spirit of pride – an inflated view of yourself? No, actually, it is the exact opposite.
•Do you feel your spiritual gift is superior to others?No, Father God has blessed each of us with our own unique spiritual gifts.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on this week's questions. I especially like your last answer - that we are all giving different gifts :)
Love & peace,
May we never boast about anything but only of the Lord! Great answers! Take care sister.
I love this "Love Chapter".
I enjoyed reading on this one. :)
A very thoughful post Denise, many blessings......:-) Hugs
Because I know you personally, I can honestly say you are truly a humble person. No boasting or arrogance from you my sweet friend. You are a TRUE example to follow.
Love you.
Blessings Denise!!! I love your sweet answers...you are such a humble sweet soul. I love you!
Great answers my friend! You are definately a godly example of Love in all that you do! Thank you so very much for being who you are and sharing the gift of who you are with each of us!
I love you Denise!
Very good post. You made some good points.
Mama Bear
Great post, Dianna! I'm going to copy/paste your questions and answer them truthfully on my blog. Thank you for sharing this.
God bless you!
Thank you for your answers to this week's questions. That is a great point that we need to always be "God-promoting." You do that so well!
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