Answered Prayer
My dear friends, God is so awesomely amazing. Once again, He has heard the cry of my heart, and graciously answered it. Because of the kindness of one of my precious blogging sisters, who made more than a generous love offering to the lovebug fund this morning, we will now be able to pay our march rent. I feel so very unworthy of the blessings that my Father God has been pouring out upon me recently, but I am so very, very grateful. To my Father God, and to my wonderful blogging family, thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I love you all.

We are truly a family...and they will know us by our love!
GOD "never" ceases to amaze me. HE is indeed AWESOME!! I praise GOD with you.
Praise God for blessing you with provision through the hands of others. So thankful.
yeahhhhh. praise the Lord. Boy o boy...this inspires me. hugs to you both.
Glory to God for all the blessings you are receiving lately, Denise.
I'm so glad that your needs were met for your rent. God is so good and knows all that we need. And it's awesome that He chooses to use other believers to His vessel of love. I'm so glad she did that.
Love you,
Thank you Lord! Thank You for answered prayers! Praying for you continually. So happy for you.
That's awesome Denise!!!
That is wonderful, Denise. God sends answers to our prayers just in time. God bless that sweet sister and you two.
Praise God...He is indeed our Provider!!
praise God! He is truly awesome!
So happy for you Denise, God is good.......:-0 Hugs
God is good!!
You were on my mind this morning. I am so glad to come over and check up on you and find out your need has been met! Gives me hope for some of my prayers.
"For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of the saints, but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God!"
(II Corinthians 9:12)
Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!
Hallelujah, thank You, Jesus!
Blessings Denise...GLORY! Halleluia! Thanks for answered prayer!
Thank you to the very beautiful blogger and benevolence of your generosity to bless Denise & Lovebug and help them meet the rent due date ahead of making them wait anxiously.
Of course, Denise was believing in Jehovah Jireh but it's great to see that someone was touched and able to bless her. As we stand firm in prayer with you Denise, may all our prayers be answered and may God give you all the desires of your heart.Wish I could do more for you.
So thankful to know that our amazing God never ceases to pour out His blessings and use His family to care for one another.
Now this makes ME SMILE!!!
May God bless this precious sister!
Praise the Lord!!!!
Thanks for stopping by first but I am so happy that those that have money can help you two out. I always wished that i had money to help others but Mike and I were never afforded that luxury...Take care my friends.
Oh wow - that is such awesome news, Denise. What a precious sister of faith.
Love & peace,
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