Hello everyone, praying that you are all doing well, and smiling. Now, praise the Lord for His many blessings. Joy is the theme that Iris chose this week. Woo Hoo, everybody sing! I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart,(where?) down in my heart, (where?) down in my heart, and if the devil doesn't like it he can sit on a tack, sit on a tack, sit on a tack, and don't come back!! I love You Lord, and I thank You for my joy. Why do I have joy? Because I am blessed with a husband who brings constant joy to my life daily. I have joy because no matter how sick my diabetes makes me feel, the Lord is always here to lift my head, and put a smile on my face. I have joy because my husband has a job in these insecure, turbulent times. He has been cut down to only working 4 days a week, but I rejoice in knowing that he has a job, thank You Lord. Why do I have joy? Because I have been blessed with beautiful blogging friends, I love you all. Why do I have joy? Because He lives, and I can truly face tomorrow. I love You Lord. Praying joy over all of you.
It is such a joy to be reading this thankful post! Have a joyful day, dear friend!
Lovely post on joy!
Thanks for visiting my site...
I will pray that Eddie retains his four days a week. A very lovely TT post.
My Sweet and long-time friend, Denise.
I loved this post. I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart, Where.... girl, down in my heart. I am signing in unisone with you.
Awesome praises for our Jesus. Love you so much.
Dash says.."Thank you for being a good friend and that your moms friend. So you really care about us. thank you. Love Dash"
That was such a great post - I can actually feel your joy!
Thanks for stopping by. :-)
i use to sing that song in grade school. i can see you're truly joyful. thank God! (((HUGS)))
Thanks Denise for putting smile :) on my face!! Lovely post on joy!!
wow! it is so good to be joyful!
Reading your post was a joy :) Such an inspiration.
What a joyful heart you've got there Denise :) very inspiring!
lovely and joyfull list. happy TT to you.mine is up now.
I loved that old children's song...it's a good one! Love you too sweet friend!
I used to sing that song as a kid. I loved singing it. Thank you for that! I can feel your joy clear over here my friend.
Hugs to you.
Good morning Denise,
I went to bed singing "I got joy down in my heart". I am walking around the house with the same tune in my head. Thanks to you, It's going to be a wonderful day, my friend. I hope you have a blessed and pain-free Thursday.
Lots of love,
P.S. My dad was a diabetic. I remember when he didn't feel too well.
What a smile you have brought to my face! I'm gonna have that song in my head all day now -- and that's a good thing!
Oh Denise! Your joy overflows and touches all of us too. What a beautiful thankful heart you have.
Blessings to you this beautiful TT, my sweet friend!
Your joy is contiguous, Denise. If someone just drops in here, I am sure they are living with a huge smile on their face -- like me this morning.
Sorry to hear that your beloved's hours were cut down. But then again, he has a job and an extra day with you.
Thank you so much for sharing your grateful and joyous heart with us.
Be blessed today and always...
So neat to remember that song from long ago days of VBS and Sunday school- down in my heart- where?
Have a happy joyful day!
I, too was singing that song this morning! Your joy sings right through your written words. Blessings!
Your post made my heart sing, dear one! I am always so blessed and full of praise as I read your blog! Happy Thankful Thursday! Love ya, girl!
LOL that is my children's favorite song!! Beautiful post!
We love that song here too!
Praising God for His provision during these uncertain times.
Praising Him for the joy that fills our hearts!
Praising God for being the lifter of our spirits and our feeble knees as we trust in Him for everything!
In His amazing grace,
You have me doing the happy dance with this one, my friend!
Love you.
(I don't have my TT up yet, but I will in a little bit.)
Your posts always bring joy into my soul.
Blessins my friend!
I'm right up there with you on your opening sentence...hope YOU are doing well and smiling!!!! What comes from your heart while reading your posts makes the world a better place.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment on my Thursday blog. You made my day!! Hope your day treats you well.
I will be humming "Joy, Joy, Joy" all day long now! :O) And I love the new photo on your blog!
Now I can't get the words to the song "Joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart..." out of my head. But that's a good thing!
Thanks for reminding me of that song! I always enjoyed as a kid singing the part about the devil can sit on a tack! Actually, I still like it!
Thanks for coming by my site! I appreciate it.
Just reading your post today brought joy to this rainy part of the country.
Thanks for your faithfulness, friend.
Oooh.. I love the song the "joy, joy, joy down in my heart!"
Happy Thankful Thursday, Denise!
Denise ~ I absolutely love your enthusiasm and joy for life. Thank you for your post and thank you for the time you take to read and comment on my posts. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your sweet notes and they always, always bring a smile to my face. Have a blessed day!!
I'm singing and doing the Happy Dance with you! You brought my spirits up my friend. Thank you.
Goodness, I am all the way at the bottom of the page. Your site has been busy with traffic today. Now that is the kind of traffic that we all love. ;
When I saw the title of you post my mind went where yours did before I even got here. I started singing the childhood song....about the tack. Ha! great minds think alike. How funny!
No matter what this world tries to throw at us we know the truth!
We've got a home in glory land that out shines the sun....and some day soon we shall all fly away!
See if you can remember what songs that last sentence was pulled from.
Love ya girl....still praying. ;)
Hi Denise! That is such a fun song!
The end of your post reminded me of the song Because He Lives. We sang that Sunday and it blessed my heart. Thanks for that reminder here today as well!
You always lift up your husband... that is a precious thing. Blessings
JOY!! What a great word for today or any day for that matter.
Hopefully you are doing well today..
Denise---I LOVED the reminder of that old song! I remember teaching it to our girls!
You are such a blessing friend...have I told you today that I just LOVE you??
and I've got peace, love and happiness too! Boy, I sure do miss Vacation Bible School.
Indeed you have the joy! Have a blessed weekend!
I love the new artwork at the top! That is trully awesome, Denise. Beautiful, joyful post as always. My husband lost his job but was lucky enough to have found another one right away which was a blessing.
Wow I love it. I don't think I have ever been sung to thru a blog before. ha ha. I appreciate your grateful heart and your posts are always uplifting. -Blessings.
Thank you for your encouraging comment today and for sharing your Thankful Thursday. They put some extra sunshine on my day :)
LOL! I didn't know the sit on a tack part. Too funny.
Love you, Sweeting.
Much Joy!
Thanks for sharing your joy. Wonderful
I just love that song, it brings a smile to my face everytime. Thanks for stopping by my spot, and I'll be sure to pass along the bd blessings for my son.
Praising God with you that He lives and through Him we can face tomorrow...no matter what. You are a women who shines forth the love of Jesus. What a beautiful post on Joy and thanksgiving. Praying you are feeling well and God is strengthening and healing you today. Love in Him, Stacy
BTW-That song brought back so many childhood memories. I haven't heard it in so long. Love it! It'll be a new one I sing to my little ones at bedtime.
I've got that joyjoyjoyjoy where...
was the first song I remember from church when I was a little girl Denise. Sure will put a spring in your step won't it?
Love Lea
Beautiful post Denise.
You always make me happy with your posts. It's touching.
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