I have a sweet new friend, Sherry. I appreciate her friendship, and her blog. She has started a new meme on her blog called more than a friend. This is what she says about it: I hope that you will join us, and write today about your friends. Whether they are blogging friends, or not. I know that you will agree with me, that God has a way of giving us certain friends, just when we need them. Sometimes they are for a season. Sometimes they are for a lifetime. God has truly blessed me with many wonderful friends here in blog land. I am happy to have an opportunity to share my blessings with you through this meme. Today, I would like to share one of my heart blessings with you. She is someone that is a blessing to so many of us. Angie is such a dear friend to me, we have never met face to face, but our hearts have touched. We became friends after Angie lost her precious sister Wanda. We just seem to click, thanks to our Father. She has been such an inspiration to me, and a tower of strength. Thanks for showing me the true love of the Father Angie, He shines in, and through you. I love you, and greatly treasure our friendship. This bouquet is for you. May you be blessed, as you have blessed me
Thanks for joining. And thanks for your sweet words of encouragement! I am praying that this becomes a way for us to share our faith with others.
I got Mr. Linky to work! Yea. It doesn't look like everyone else's though but I'll figure it out.
Please pray for this opportunity to hopefully share our Lord with some others.
Many Blessings Dear One,
Hi Denise,
I'm glad that yall "click!" I'm sure she feels the same about you!
You are a wonderful person Denise. One of thee very most encouraging people I've ever known. You are faithful, and uplifting, and I pray the Lord blesses you 7 fold.
Blessings and Love,
I spoke with Angie on the phone. Oh I am so glad you know how very much she loves you girl.
What a sweet post, Denise. Angie indeed is a precious woman of God. I too am glad I can call her a friend.
Thank you so much for sharing your heart...
Oh my, yes! Angie is a dear! She is so attuned to the Lord and just knows when one of us is in need of prayer. Thank you for honoring her this way.
I to have the pleasure and honor of calling Angie a friend. I have the pleasure of being with Angie 5 days a week, I'm not sure how I would make it through the work week without her here to encourage and uplift me. God has truly blessed us all with his daughter! We love you Angie! Love, Lisa
Denise...I have been unable to post anything for the busyness in our lives the past 2 days.
Iris, the wonderful sweet host of THankful Thursday sent me your link this morning....
Denise---I am a puddle of tears! My heart is just leaking all over my keyboard! YOU have been the one that THE LORD used to HELP me get through the especially hard days...Denise, I appreciate your friendship and love. It is more than just friends, I feel a true "sistership" with you.
The day I was in panic searching for the right person to contact to find out about you and the LORD led me to Donetta, I was thrilled to hear her voice---but the thrill and joy was multiplied when the LORD allowed me to speak to you that very day by phone. I know everyone at my office must have wondered at my tearstreaked face when I came in from lunch. Little did they know, I'd just had a sweet talk with a dear sister.
I told you that day, and still it's true, when the LORD took Wanda home, He had the forethought to send me sweet sisters anew. Not replacements, but in addition to. So now I have one there....and MANY here.
Denise, I love you. More than you know. I love all that I have been able to form a relationship here in blogland. God is incredibly good to me. More than I deserve.
Thank you from the whole of my heart for your kindness....and for showing love to me.
Blessings Denise...good choice! It touches me how you two connected! What a blessing Angie is to many!
I know she puts all she is & can in her current Bible study! She was so accepting of me joining & even went out of her way to give the Bible scriptures that went with the book since I did not have it nor could get it! It is a fantastic study & the two (3)sisters work like a such a team!
Thank you for sharing one of your many friends! Did you open your emails? I sent you something from mission4monday(at)gmail(dot)com
great posts Denise! Thanks for sharing about your fantastic friends! you are a great friend and your friendship is appreciated by many!
I enjoyed reading about your friend. What a wonderful meme Sherry has started. Enjoy!
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