Friendship Rose

My dear friends Peggy, and Debra both blessed me with a beautiful friendship rose. Thank you both, you are lovely roses in my hearts garden. Now, I would like to pass the rose on. Jean, Sammi, Mary, Julie, Donetta, and Colleen. I love you all.
Thank you for the lovely rose. I feel so much love from you. I wish I could extend my arms and hug you right now.
Love ya,
Thank you Sweetie. you will have to come see the update on the childcare issue. God is working it through.
Congrats on your friendship rose.
And thanks for stopping by my blog today! precious friend, your friendship means so much to me! I love you, hon. =) I will post on this soon & I have not forgotten my other awards, either! I will try to get that posted too! Have a great weekend & I am praying for you, sweetie. Especially, fervently, on Sunday!
Thank you ever so much for the Friendship rose....
Bless you Denise..and may you receive a dozen roses! Thank You Lord! Denise called me a rose in her heart's garden...could it get any better?
Let us each be a sweet fragrance to You, Lord...Rose of Sharon! I love your poetic heart! Would you like the code? so your rose does like my rose.
Let me know! I came to see your DAY 1. Did you get the book? Is Lovebug doing The Love Dare with ya'? Love ya sweetie...and God bless the roses that you've passed on or seeded in other gardens to bloom!!!
The instruction says for me to resend the rose to the sender. Here's another rose added to your collection.
I hope you have an awesome day. Tell your husband that I am grateful for his love and dedication for you.
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