Friday, October 17, 2008

Thank You

Thank you to everyone who has left sweet comments concerning my previous post. Sorry if you thought that picture was of me, I wish!! lol I found that picture on a site where they sell scarfs. One day soon, I will post a picture of me. I had a comment from anonymous, they said it seemed as if I were too sensitive concerning this. I am sorry if it seems that way. I just wish people would take their eyes off of people, and put them where they belong, on Jesus. I love you all.


Patricia said...

My dear friend is fighting a battle with breast cancer. She is just now getting her hair back after months of strong chemotherapy. Her chemo is now not as vicious and she's even getting her eyebrows back.

Those scarves she wore thrilled me because they showed a woman willing to fight for her life. She wasn't able to come to church very often during the worst of the chemo because of her weakened immune system, so when she could come, I rejoiced.

Never mind those too mean-spirited or too ignorant to see the you beneath the scarf... God is the one greeting you when you walk through the doors of His houses of worship. He will be there if you and Lovebug are the only true Christians in the place.

Happy Friday, Denise!!

Laurie Ann said...

Bless you. I didn't think it was you, for some reason, but I just know you are beautiful because you've given me glimpses of your heart! I know you're going through a trial right now regarding the issue of the hair loss, so head over to my sight and see what God's going to give you to replace it for your perseverance!

Marsha said...

Love you sweetie!

Blog is no more said...

Hey Denise, I can't believe how rude some people can be about outside appearances! We have several ladies in our church recovering from cancer and they wear scarves or hats, no one even thinks about it! We are just GLAD they are able to be in church!

Hope you find another church soon.

Much love,

Peggy said...

Blessings Denise...I'm sorry for the people that were so insensitive. Are you sure that mother-in-law was not the one uncomfortable? or did you hear these remarks and let them roll off? I think I remember you being so happy that you found a church! I hope other people are aware how they drive people away from fellowship. I frankly love that scarf that you had pictured! Is that what you had? I do not think I would look so hot with out hair cuz my head is so weird shaped and I have a hard enough time with my large forehead but have you seen Heather at Especially Heather (let me tell you she looks great!) You wrote about this once before...& I did not like it then & I like it alot less now from church people.

I agree with Patricia, it is God that you go for and He is the one welcoming you with open arms! Tell Lovebug to reconsider & see if he overhears these remarks or even gets a sense of looks. I would think about they need a lesson in love from you! Confront in love!

Melanie said...

Praying you find the right church for you both.

luvmy4sons said...

Oh sweetie...One day I would love to see a picture of you. But it is hard to overcome our sensitivity to what others think of our outward appearance. Know that we know your heart and we love that beautiful heart! That is what we would see!

Michele Williams said...

You are still beautiful!!! I am very sensitive too about the way I look... You know how much I weigh... I get all kinds of looks when I am out... laughs and stares... I hate getting my picture taken as well... I have to keep seeing myself as Christ sees me. It's hard when I see myself in the mirror. We were fearfully and wonderfully made.

Love you!

Addicted to Beadz said...

Yep, That is where our eyes should be.

Glad you are feeling better.

Love your girly dancing bear!


Gretchen said...

I think you're exactly right. Isn't the heart what matters to God? Seems I read a verse or 2 about that in the Good Book.
