Tuesday, February 5, 2008

In Other Words Tuesday

This week's quote is:
"He [God] is very patient with us, when we are trying to be patient with Him."~ Elisabeth Elliott ~ I find this quote to be very true. When I first started having problems with my vision, I was not a very patient patient. I wanted my doctor to make my eyes better right now, I did not want to have to wait for weeks for my vision to improve. I cried out to God to do whatever He had to do to heal my eyes, now!! Well, it has been six months since I had cataract surgery, and began dealing with my vision problems. God has taught me great lessons about patience. Things are dealt with in His time, not ours. I praise Him for being so patient, and loving with me. Do I still want my vision to improve? Do I want this pain in my eyes to go away? Do I want to be healed? The answer to each of those questions is yes yes yes!! But, only if that is Gods will for me. If not, I trust Him to gently guide me into the next phase of my life. Be patient with me Father, I am still under construction. I will be patiently waiting upon You, my life is in Your hands. I love You Father.


Brandy said...

Wow Denise,
What amazing patientince you have! You must be going through so much, but God has a plan for you I am sure. I also want you to know that I have missed reading your blogs. I find them so uplifting.

Karen H. said...

Good Morning Denise,
I really enjoyed reading your post today. I know from too many times when I wanted something done, I wanted it right then and there, but deep down I knew it would be in GOD'S time and not my own. It's so easy to forget that sometimes tho. Our youngest daughter is feeling better. I kept her home from School yesterday because when she first got up she wasn't feeling up to par. She is going back today tho. I am not sick, but just down in the dumps real bad. That's why I didn't post yesterday or today. I am just having to deal with something I received in an email the other day. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.

Love & Hugs,
Karen H.

Bonnie W said...

Thanks Denise for sharing the wisdom you have gained in your struggle with your vision and the patience you have learned. Great post!

Heather said...

You really are in a school of patience (along with other virtues) aren't you? Aren't you going to see the doc again today?

It makes me realize that patience is about completely trusting God with the outcome. Resting in His arms.

Hootin Anni said...

Yes, patience....in EVERY aspect of life.

This is a profound post Denise.

Karen said...

Patience is not an easy lesson is it. But the answer is always "Yes" I want to be healed, I want your will. Still under construction and God is still patient with us. PTL

twinklemom said...

Perfect post about patience!! So true...how many times have we lost our patience for God only to be shown what will happen when we are patient.

*Hugs and Prayers to you!*

Jules said...

Love this quote, so true! Thanks for the reminder, my sweet friend. You are precious to me and I KNOW that you are precious to our Lord and Savior. Keep up the great attitude! You are such an inspiration to me right now!

Love and Prayers,


Michelle Bentham Blogspot said...

Sometimes the waiting hurts, and sometimes it suffers long. Sweet Denise, God is working something so much greater than just healing in your eyes and your heart - He is taking you on a journey of faith that will bear great fruit. Trust Him, stick close to Him and see Him prevail. No matter how it "looks." We are all a work in progress, thank you for testifying to the Lord's work in your life.

Scripture tells us, "To whom much is given, much is required." Those who suffer greatly, are required to bear great testimony. You are a shining example of this type of glory. Oh, how He loves you so.


Anonymous said...

Denise, I love how you put at the end that you are still under construction. What a spectacular attitude. Of course, it's nothing I haven't heard from you before!!

I'm sure you know this but many think Paul's thorn in his flesh was eye problems. You can't help but read some of his writings and see how God used whatever it was to make him a tremendous witness. Just like you!!

Bernadine said...

I love this quote and your take on it.
Thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

You are truly an inspiration to many and especially to me. I have thought of you often and held you in my prayers.

With many blessing,

Karen H. said...

Good Early Morning Denise,
I'm just dropping by to see if yall are okay your way. It has been a Tornadic Tuesday night here. We are okay but around us other's aren't. I finally put up a new post and posted about the Tornadic weather. I'm praying that it will not affect yall. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.

Love & Hugs,
Karen H.