Friday, July 3, 2015

Prayer Needs, And Praise Reports

Praise God, for He alone, is worthy. Prayer needs this week: My friend Tanya, will be having a total hysterectomy on Monday, she is very scared. Pray that God will calm her fears, and bring her through the surgery just fine. Please pray for my friend Marsha's grandson, Logan. He broke his collarbone, and had to have surgery. He has been in a lot of pain. Pray for the pain to cease, and for total healing. Praise Reports: I asked you last week to pray for Marsha and Mike financially, God answered. Mike has been offered a part time job. Thank You Father. Also last week, I asked you to pray concerning blood in my urine. Well, it did turn out to be a really severe urinary tract infection. Thank You Father for answering my prayer. Keep praying, it truly works.


Sharon said...

There have been times when I've told someone I'd pray for them. But I sometimes seem to say it in a way that makes it seem like it's the last resort - like I'm saying, "I'd love to help or fix this situation, but I can't do anything, so I'll just pray about it." How wrong that viewpoint is!! Prayer is mighty!! We are told in Scripture that it can do amazing things. So, let's storm the throne of God with our requests.

I'm glad that the diagnosis was a UTI - antibiotics are very effective in treating that situation.


Terra said...

How good Mike was offered a part time job, in answer to prayer. God loves us to pray in any and all circumstances, and when we pray together our prayers are even more powerful.

LeAnn said...

Prayers do work and I am so grateful that I can pray to a loving Heavenly Father anytime and anywhere. I am so happy that the blood in the urine is treatable.
Blessings, love and hugs for you!