Tuesday, July 1, 2014

When it rains, it pours

Well, I am going to need a new umbrella, mine is breaking under the weight. Here in Chattanooga today, it was very hot. The hottest day so far. With the heat index, 100. I had walked the garbage to the dump, came back home, went in the kitchen, there was water all over the floor. The air conditioner pipe was frozen, and leaking. I called the landlord, was told they could not be out to fix it until tomorrow. Keep those prayers coming, love you all. God is still in the miracle business, so glad about that.


Debbie Harris said...

Yes, Denise, God is in the miracle business.
I love to sing that children's song "My God is so big so strong and so mighty, there's nothing MY God cannot do" when I am going through something. It is a great reminder of how big our God really is.
Praying for you earnestly.
Much love to you, Debbie

White Lace and Promises said...

Your faith inspires me to believe more. Sometimes I let fear take over my faith. Thanks for the encouragement. You are a blessing. Keep believing.

Dianna said...

Denise, I just finished going back and reading all of your blog posts from when I was gone last week. WOWZER! You have had some week, Girlfriend! I am so sorry to learn about Eddie's accident. SO grateful that it happened before he got in the car! I am certainly praying for you my friend!

I will be continuing my journey next week after our grandson goes home.

Dianna xo

Anonymous said...

Many prayers, love and hugs!!!

Sharon said...

Denise, noooo!! What a downpour you guys are having lately! May the umbrella of His love and mercy hover over you, and bring you peace from the storms.


LeAnn said...

Wow, you two are getting hit with a lot. I know that you will both be OK; but it doesn't make the trials easier.
I am praying for you and I know that your prayers will be answered. You have great faith~
Prayers, blessings and hugs!

Linda said...

Denise, take care of yourself, it is dangerously hot and humid here in Montreal as well. Sending you a hug and much love.

Monica said...

Some days feel like we just can't take anymore. Then the Lord sends a ray of sunshine or a message that speaks to our hearts. I'm sorry you have not a/c in this heat. Try to stay cool. will be praying for you constantly!

Mom to 3 said...

Praying for you Denise! I hope that you and Eddie start having better happier days really soon.

moreofhim said...

Denise - My goodness...I just can't imagine. I'm so sorry you're going through all that you're going through. Sometimes I wonder why we have to go through such hard times - especially all at once - but, like you, I trust God to work it all out for my good. Praying for you and your hubby!! Much love and many blessings to you, my friend!


Dee said...

Good thing you keep your umbrella handy...so many things coming against you here lately. You are a strong woman of Faith...