Saturday, July 5, 2014


Hello everyone, sorry I have not given an update since Wednesday. Things have been very crazy here. I hope you all enjoyed the fourth, and are enjoying the rest of your weekend. We have an
appointment Monday afternoon at 3 P.M. with a lawyer, praise God. Eddie now has a knee walker, praise God.  I found out about two new medical problems, at the end of last week. But, God is still in control. I am hurting badly in my lower back on the left side, I hurt it when I fell on our parking lot, when Coco ran , causing me to lose my balance. The new medical problems are: Motor Neuron Disease, and blocked and narrowed vertebral arteries in my brain. Please keep praying, love and appreciate all of you very much.


Terra said...

You are a sweetie to keep us all informed. Have a restful Sunday and a good appointment with the lawyer Monday.

Mike said...

Hi Denise,

It's Mike here from Pray To God Today. I just wanted to say Thank You for all the times that you have come and commented on my blog. Those short, but sweet, comments have always been day-brighting. Thanks!

I am sorry to here about these events that have happened within these past weeks. I have been, and will continue to pray for you and your husband. God will always be smiling upon you, a women with deep faith. Faith greater than what any of us know.

I pray for a speedy recovery and that God will always be with you and your husband! God Bless


Lisa in Texas = ) said...

So sorry for the new things you found out but remember you are a miracle and God is still using you to be such a blessing and encouragement to others. And many of us are lifting you up in prayer. We love you. And as a fellow cancer survivor says - Stay Strong and Thrive! Lisa :O)

child of God said...

Continuing to pray for you Denise.

Debbie Harris said...

I love these pictures of you and your Eddie, Denise. Thank you for sharing them with us. :-)
Isn't the scooter just amazing?!
I think they are the best!
My prayers continue to be with you.
Have a beautiful day, Denise
Much love, Debbie

Dianna said...

Denise, I am so sorry to hear of your two latest medical problems, as well as your fall that has caused you to hurt in your lower left back. Praising the Lord with you for Eddie's knee walker! I will continue to keep you in prayer.

moreofhim said...

Praising God with you for His blessings! I will be in prayer for you regarding these new issues...Remember God has His mighty hand on you and has you covered with His wings. (Psalm 91:4) I pray this comforts you as you deal with all you're dealing with.

Love - Julie

Chatty Crone said...

I will be praying too.