Monday, December 17, 2012

Caroling Day 2-Light Of The Stable


Peggy said...

Ohhh yeah Denise... A new song! and such a beautiful one!!!

I love Selah! and this goes with my theme of LIGHT for the year! Wish I had found it earlier!

I so enJOY the upbeat! I hope this means that you are SINGING songs of JOY!
Hallelujah! (no longer can that enemy steal our joy, our health, or anything, marriages included!!!) Jesus came to give us LIFE and LIGHT! Loved that this video had the words also! Since it's new... I had to play it again as I typed!!! (I linked it up for you for today since it's Day 2 in our Christmas Caroling)! I still hope to listen to your first one preceding this! Two great songs to start this out! Thanks for joining me! and mostly thanks for loving me so much and always sending me encouraging stuff to lift me up! (I am a little sick right now, but God is still on the Throne and to be celebrated!!!)

Love, peace and BIG HUG,

From the Heart said...

Yes, Halleluijah to Jesus out King, our Savior, our healer, our redeemer. He is all we need. I look forward to His return.