Brothers, and Sisters, do not be so quick to judge one another. It is not your job, or your right, to judge one another. Only God has the right to judge us. Instead of putting stumbling blocks, or hindrances, in each others way, help to remove any thing you may see standing in your brother, or sister's way.
Good Morning, Denise- Thanks for leaving a comment over at Beneath The Surface- I see you have two blogs...I am following you now. Not sure if I have been by before! I think word filled Wednesday sounds nice...thanks for sharing.
The more we see ourselves as undeserving, wretched sinners redeemed by a merciful and loving Savior, the less room there is for being judgmental. Praise God for His mercy and grace!
My mom was never a big disciplinarian. She seldom had a word to say about our behaviors or choices. We were pretty good kids. :) The one thing that I remember her driving home to us was "don't judge". She would quickly interrupt if you were even hinting of judging. It was very helpful in later live to learn to check my words.
I know that you had gone through judgmental comments and you know the pain that it produces. Never tire reminding us sister about doing so. It is not productive at all. I think that's why God gave us 2 ears and only 1 mouth. So we should rather listen more than talk!!! God bless you sister and praying you're remaining strong in His mighty power!
Amen to that post! I do think that our judging of others only makes us more unhappy. Thanks for your wisdom expressed today. I love your thoughts and thanks for dropping my blog too.
So true. I do think we are called to discern right from wrong and that is making a 'judgment call' based on scripture but we are not the judge to hand down sentence.
So true! People who aren't Christians see us criticizing one another what do they think? I don't want what they're having!
However, it is biblical to privately and in love speak to another sister or brother and point them back to the Way. It is not talking about nonbelievers though. We shouldn't expect them to act holy.
It's not our job indeed.
Good Morning, Denise- Thanks for leaving a comment over at Beneath The Surface- I see you have two blogs...I am following you now. Not sure if I have been by before! I think word filled Wednesday sounds nice...thanks for sharing.
The more we see ourselves as undeserving, wretched sinners redeemed by a merciful and loving Savior, the less room there is for being judgmental. Praise God for His mercy and grace!
My mom was never a big disciplinarian. She seldom had a word to say about our behaviors or choices. We were pretty good kids. :) The one thing that I remember her driving home to us was "don't judge". She would quickly interrupt if you were even hinting of judging. It was very helpful in later live to learn to check my words.
love the sinner hate the sin.
I know that you had gone through judgmental comments and you know the pain that it produces. Never tire reminding us sister about doing so. It is not productive at all. I think that's why God gave us 2 ears and only 1 mouth. So we should rather listen more than talk!!! God bless you sister and praying you're remaining strong in His mighty power!
I can only say: Amen! to this!! I cant agree enough!!
Amen to that post! I do think that our judging of others only makes us more unhappy. Thanks for your wisdom expressed today. I love your thoughts and thanks for dropping my blog too.
perfectly perfect!
Amen, Denise. That's a good verse.
Such an important spiritual truth. Thank you for sharing it on this lovely Word-filled Wednesday.
thank you for the post today and for always stopping by
Amen. Very nice WFW, Dear ~
So true. I do think we are called to discern right from wrong and that is making a 'judgment call' based on scripture but we are not the judge to hand down sentence.
So true! People who aren't Christians see us criticizing one another what do they think? I don't want what they're having!
However, it is biblical to privately and in love speak to another sister or brother and point them back to the Way. It is not talking about nonbelievers though. We shouldn't expect them to act holy.
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