Dictionary definition of compassion:
A feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another, who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied, by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering. Matthew 9:36 When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
Mark 8:2 I have compassion for these people; they have already been with Me three days, and have nothing to eat.
Not only the spiritual destitution of men, but their physical need as well appealed to the compassion of Jesus Christ.
Matthew 14:14 When Jesus landed, and saw a large crowd, He had compassion on them, and healed their sick.
When Jesus saw a crowd of men, He was moved with compassion. His compassion on the multitude is mentioned five times. A crowd of men, is a pitiful sight. It represents so much of sorrow, so much of pain, so much of sin. What is your feeling when you look out on a crowd? Judging by the context of this passage, the sick seem to have especially drawn out His compassion.
Jesus Christ had compassion on the blind.
Matthew 20:34 Jesus had compassion on them, and touched their eyes. Immediately, they received their sight, and followed Him. What about you? For whom do you have compassion? Or, have you become so hardened by the evil of the world, that you no longer have compassion? Do you tend to be more selfish, than selfless? Do your needs come before the needs of others? If so, you need to fall on your knees, and cry out to God for a major softening of your heart. If you are a Christian, then Christ is living in you. Christ is the greatest example of compassion, and we are to follow His lead. We are not just suppose to walk by those in need, we are to reach out our hands, and hearts to them. We are suppose to be Christ in action, are we??
Mark 8:2 I have compassion for these people; they have already been with Me three days, and have nothing to eat.
Not only the spiritual destitution of men, but their physical need as well appealed to the compassion of Jesus Christ.
Matthew 14:14 When Jesus landed, and saw a large crowd, He had compassion on them, and healed their sick.
When Jesus saw a crowd of men, He was moved with compassion. His compassion on the multitude is mentioned five times. A crowd of men, is a pitiful sight. It represents so much of sorrow, so much of pain, so much of sin. What is your feeling when you look out on a crowd? Judging by the context of this passage, the sick seem to have especially drawn out His compassion.
Jesus Christ had compassion on the blind.
Matthew 20:34 Jesus had compassion on them, and touched their eyes. Immediately, they received their sight, and followed Him. What about you? For whom do you have compassion? Or, have you become so hardened by the evil of the world, that you no longer have compassion? Do you tend to be more selfish, than selfless? Do your needs come before the needs of others? If so, you need to fall on your knees, and cry out to God for a major softening of your heart. If you are a Christian, then Christ is living in you. Christ is the greatest example of compassion, and we are to follow His lead. We are not just suppose to walk by those in need, we are to reach out our hands, and hearts to them. We are suppose to be Christ in action, are we??
Thank God for his compassion for us.
Amen, reach out our hands and hearts!!
Oh, compassion. Yes. And I don't show it or mercy often enough in my family or in general. Thanks for the reminder.
Thanks for writing this post Denise. Like Samantha,...I too thank God for His compassion towards us.
I have an award for you on my blog!
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
Amen! I am so thankful for His compassion. May I never forget to share that with others!
Thanks for sharing this Denise. I am grateful for His compassion too.
Yes..I agree!!
Amen...we ARE supposed to be Christ in action...great post!
So thankful for his compassion.
Oh!!! Denise,
I so enjoyed this post, The scriptures that you share are some of my favorite. Years ago when I found these scriptures and read of how my Lord looked on people with compassion,I asked Him to help me to always have compassion, and thank the Lord He did answer my prayer. I think compassion is so lacking today. We seem to have become such a me society. I still ask Him to help me to always have compassion.
Thank you for sharing this most inspiring post, and as always I leave blessed.
Thank God for His compassion for us. And thank you for reminding us of the compassion we need to show, Denise.
We all need compassion and mercy!!! Thank God for HIS mercy!! Hugs Grams
Amen!We cannot serve God without compassion and Jesus is our greatest example.We are save because of his compassion.Thanks for the reminders.
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