Contribute to solutions and not to problems — Every pastor would be thrilled if each of his flock got involved, and helped the church in some way. However, they would rejoice if certain ones simply stopped being a pain in the neck! It's a shame that pastors spend so much time "putting out fires," that is, squelching problems that could have a negative influence on the whole body, such as gossip, rumors, complaining, misunderstandings, hurt feelings, discontent and so forth. Regrettably, it has been said that 90% of these kinds of problems are generated among the same 10% of the people..
Spiritually mature persons who wish to help their church don't become a part of such problems -- instead, they contribute to solutions. They avoid divisive people (Rom. 16:17) and don't get caught up in the mischief or grievances of others (1 Tim. 5:13). If they are aware of spreading problems in the fellowship, they will try to bring a resolution, or else they bring matters to the attention of spiritual leadership so that they can bring an end to it (Matt. 18:15-17). People who wish to be an asset to their church don't participate with or spread problems -- they help spiritual leadership resolve them.
Applaud! Applaud! Standing on my feet. You said it Sistah!!! :)
Very true. Thanks for spreading this word. I'll be sending your treat today or tomorrow. xxxooo
I really dislike church gossip and the sort. I left one church because it grew out of control!
You would think that church would not be a place for gossip, division, etc...but sadly, it is happening. This is a great reminder and may we all start with that change, for the best, in ourselves by God's grace. Blessings to you sister. Love you in Christ. Hope you're feeling okay.
If you only knew how applicable this is to our situation right now.....,
Your prayers are appreciated.
So true in many churches and in all the churches that I have been member of had those SAME people..... They will split a church due to the color of the carpet!
Hey Denise,
You've been on my mind lately. Wanted to let you know I've missed seeing you and that you are in my prayers.
Hi Denise,
Just wanted you to know that I posted my Growing UP! Monday post and when I put up my McKlinky thingamajig, it included your name from last week. Clearly, I have no idea how to use this gadget. So, I wanted you to know you aren't seeing thing just in case you come to my place tomorrow and see your name already there. You were my lone contributor!
THanks friend...
YES YES YES YES YES!!! This is such a wonderful post!! Though - we should search our hearts and make sure we're not a part of that 10%, rather than immediately thinking of those we believe are the problem! This is awesome ... thanks for sharing! :)
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