Wednesdays Walk Down Memory Lane
Well, last night, lovebug and I decided we wanted fast food for supper. So, we jump into our mustang, and away to the food we go. After getting some very healthy food(yea right, not!!), we headed back home. We live in an apartment, and there is assigned parking spaces. Our parking space happens to be right under a very large tree. The birds are totally in love with our mustang. We have to keep it covered, and take it to the car wash everyday. Well, as soon as we had pulled in, and parked, we hear a splat. Lovebug was not very happy, since he had stopped at the car wash on the way home. I open the passenger door to get out, and plop, a bird pooped on my arm!! Gross, totally gross. I handled it very maturely, I started screaming. My exact words were: Help me lovebug, I just got pooped on. Of course, lovebug was laughing so hard, I thought he would pee in his pants. Being the gentleman that he is, he hands me a napkin. How kind of him. I begin to wipe my arm so fast, and so hard, it is a miracle that I still have any skin left on that arm!! I grab my food, and start running. No way was I going to let another bird poop on me. So, we get in the apartment, and we both start laughing. We were rolling on the floor, it was too funny. When we calmed down, then we finally ate our supper. About an hour after eating, lovebug looks at me, and proceeds to ask me the following question: Honey, will you go outside with me, and help me cover up the mustang, so the birds will not leave anything on it. Oh, I see, he wants to protect the car, what about his wife??? I said, are you crazy?? It is a bird jungle out there, I am in fear for my very life. I cannot take being pooped on again, not this soon!! lol Well, lovebug is so darn cute, I could not resist. So, I went outside to help him cover the mustang. But, I did not go empty handed, I took my water spray bottle with me, as protection. I kept it aimed at that big ole tree, ready to fire away. I thought I heard a bird near my head, and I began to spray like crazy, accidentally soaking lovebug. Lovebug started chasing me around the parking lot, of course he caught me, grabbed my bottle, and soaked me. So, to recap the events, I got pooped on, and then soaked. lol
Oh, but the soaking was sort of like a shower, washing away the "remains of the day", so to speak! I suppose someone has to have that spot, and you sure don't want them to cut down the tree. But darn it, why couldn't it be assigned to someone with a ratty old pickup truck? I'm STILL laughing at the thought of you screaming with bird poop on your arm.. I would SO be doing the same thing!
That sounds like lots of fun, made me smile I could picture the whole thing.
I have been under a herd of seagulls and seen poop fall, Thank God not on
How funny ! You two are so cute together. Hugs and blessings to you my sweet friend, have a great day.
Denise, you are such a good sport! You and your lovebug have quite a relationship. I love it! Thanks for sharing.
Denise, you made me laugh so hard I nearly peed MY pants! Your word pictures just had me right there with you!
I love Mustangs -- what year and color do you have?!?
This post had me laughing out loud. I can so relate since a bird has been leaving a *gift* on my porch railing for the past few days now. I spray it down and the the next day it's here we go again...
LOL Was fun to read!
Your post made me laugh! It sounds like you two have a lot of fun!
Awww, what a fun story! Thanks for sharing and bringing a smile to my face.
You know you're with the right one when bird poop is funny. :) Such a fun story.
Oh my gosh. Hilarious. I wonder how many neighbors were peaking out and cracking up! Ya'll are too cute. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for praying with us for Debra and keeping your followers updated. Beautiful post.
Ew! I've been pooped on before too - by birds and babies. Not fun - especially the bird poop! ha!
Sounds like you actually had a blast with it all though - that's the important part.
Hehe it IS funny when somebody gets pooped on! lol
Sounds like you had a great time, despite the poop on the arm. I've heard that it's good luck to get pooped on by a bird. You notice any good things happen to you after that incident?
Oh my gosh! Thanks for adding to a beautifully blessed day. I'm sitting here giggling up a storm. Hubby and I use to have fun days like that. He isn't so much of a play around guy anymore, but now that things have settled down, I'm thinking I'll be able to drag him back to being less serious. ;)
Oh those darnded dirty birds. I still think they sit on trees and light poles just waiting.
A stretch that I travel often, I sit and laugh as I drive by, as there is always a bunch of bird on this one pole. I can just imagine them saying. "Hey Harry, how about we nail this one, look how shiny it is. Yeah, George, let's do it, ready guys, aim fire! Yeah!!! score, we nailed it. I don't think he's too happy either. Ha ha ha." He, here comes another. Ahh, no, that one won't be all that fun, we'll spare them." :) I get nailed a lot while outside, often times it's not poop but pee. Darned dirty birds. Ha ha. Gotta love em! Love you Denise!
This is so funny. I once had one poop on my head while walking around an apartment complex late in the afternoon, they were Martlings, I think.Those birds that swoop after mosquitoes. It wasn't funny. I felt I was contaminated. I'm glad you could laugh and getting it off your arm was a lot easier than getting it out of my hair.
Sounds like you and love bug have a lot of fun together.
Mama Bear
Love this...what a cute post...and a sweet funny memory, laughing with your lovebug. Thanks for this sweet post...
That was a cute post!
Oh to be young again! ((smile))
You and your Lovebug made me laugh today.
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
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