Debra is in the hospital for her heart. She has had a cat scan and an ekg. There is something wrong with one of the muscles near, or around her heart, and they are going to do a heart catheter today sometime. If they find 70% or more blockage they will immediately do surgery and put a stint in, or balloon it. If it's less than that, they may move her to ORMC and have the procedure done there. She does not do well under anesthesia, and her heart is weak.Will you please join me in prayer for her right now?
Oh wow! Thank you for the update Denise. This is sad. She will be in my prayers. My dad went through this very procedure. We didn't think he would make it, but's it's been a few years now and he's doing great.
Lord, we lift sister Debra up to you in faith, knowing you will take good care of her. Be the surgeons hands, make her heart work as it should. Be the anesthesiologist, making sure she comes through it all unscathed. Father, we know your mighty works. We know you can heal all. Allow her to touch His robe and be healed. She is coming to Him for healing. Please hold our sweet sister in your arms. Be with her family at this time to give them the strength to walk this journey. I ask this is Jesus Holy Name, Amen
Oh my....Sending up a prayer for her right now! May the God of hope give you all peace.
I had seen this prayer request at Sister Tammy's post [Omah's Helping Hands] and I'm standing in prayers with you for a sister in Christ. May the Lord heal her in no time. God bless sister Denise.
I saw this last night and began praying for her.
Praying for her now and for the doctors.
Praying for dear Debra and her precious family.
Prayed. Thanks, Denise.
We will definitely be praying for her!
Oh sweet Debra! I didn't know Denise, and I'm praying for her.
I heard about Debra last night and I'm joining you in praying for our sister in Christ.
I read about this earlier this morning...definitely praying for our sweet friend!
My prayers are with her right now. Thanks for letting us know.
Thanks for sharing this need. Will be in prayer!
Thanks for sharing this need. Will be in prayer!
of course. We stand.
Denise, I don't "know" her but I will surely add my prayers to yoursl
Thank you so much for adding this here & at The Lighthouse! I did not know this and I will pray now for our sweet Deb & keep her in prayer throughout the day & await the report.
Praying for PRAISE & strength for her heart!
Oh my, I will definitely keep her in my prayers. Please keep us updated! <3
Of course my friend...
Sending up prayers...
I am praying for Debra. Thank you for informing us. I was in her blog a couple of days ago and I didn't know about this yet.
We will prayer for her as well. You should also take a look at http://HolyLandPrayer.com. They are doing something great. Connecting the world with the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. Our mom was very sick and we lit a candle for her at the Church.
God bless.
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