Today is Thankful Thursday, and I am grateful for another opportunity to praise the Lord. I love Him so very much, and I want to serve Him with all of me, not just some of me. He gave His entire self on the cross for me, not just some of Himself. He is sooooooooo good to me, takes care of me day in, day out. I want to hear His voice always, and to have that happen, I must be obedient. As the song says: Trust, and obey , for there is no other way. I cannot obey only when I choose to, I must obey as He wants me to, which is always. To hear His precious voice, I have to be sin free, and clutter free. The world cannot be all I am listening to, I must clean my ears, eyes, and heart out, and make room to receive the beautiful voice of my Saviour. When His lovely voice falls upon my ears, it is the most wonderful thing I have ever heard, or want to hear. I am Yours Lord, and my true desire is to hear Your voice always. I love having conversations with You.
I learned so much from you my dear Denise. I agree with you: I must obey as He wants me to not when I choose....
I haven't posted TT but my heart is grateful for my son's health is OK now, no more rashes, no more fever (cause by teething) and sleeps early now and appetite is back..Praise the Lord!
Hyzyd's Diary/
Her and History
i love your saying here.i don't doubt it.one bit.i wonder why he loves me,but never that he loves me.
thank you my dear friend for the prayers.you have been so sweet to me.i feel like i have known you so much longer.thank you...ann
Beautiful! It's true about not just obeying when we want to-- God calls us to obedience, to do His will above our own-- and like you testify, when we do His will, He blesses us greatly!
Blessings Beloved~
Amen sweet sister. We ofen sing Trust and Obey in our devotional time! I love your thankful obedient heart!
Amen! Great reminder to shut out the World and allow Jesus to come in!
Love you!
Blessings to you today Denise.
That is one of Caleb's favorite songs to sing, I love hearing him sing the sweet words too...trust and obey.
Thanks for reminding me that to hear His voice, my life must be sin free and clutter free. I am already convicted about posting my 5 ways to celebrate femininity and beauty. (While in some cases, that may BE His voice, I believe that in my case, it should be between Him and me--not me and the whole world. I will be listening to His voice to hear whether to take it off the site, explain, or something else....
Denise, you always bless me with your posts. They are so encouraging!!
I never fail to feel inspired everytime I stop by for a visit! Thank you, sweet friend!
Beautiful testimony to His presence in your life.
Love you bunches!
amen sis...awesome post.
Your posts always rejuvenate me! God bless sister!
Hi Denise,
As always I leave uplifted and challenged , thank you for listening to His voice as you share with us.
I am praying for you to have a physical touch from God!!
Amen. I love the song trust and obey, we often sing in Bible school. Your posts always bless my heart !
I feel like I've just been to church. Preach it, sistah!
That was absolutely beautiful...as always!
That is all so true, and very inspiring to read someone who is so dedicated to the Lord.
Amen....I love the hymn "Trust and Obey"...you are so right...there is no other way.
Obedience is a daily choice and without it we lose our way.
Bless you,
you are such a blessing, denise. God bless you always. love ya!
That is one of my all--time favorite hymns. Sadly, it's easier to sing than it is to carry out. :(
You are such a sweet, happy blessing in my day! Thank you for sharing your heart with us so beautifully.
love your thankful heart. and your new blog design.
Hi My Dear Friend,
Girl, I always love to stop over here and read your praises for our King...
I am Soooo looking forward to meeting you. I have a special hug stored up... I also enjoyed reading through several of your other post. Hugs.
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