Saturday, April 25, 2009

Cafe Chat

On a scale of 1-10, with a 10 representing the strongest, rate how you do with reading and studying the Bible. Why did you rate yourself as you did?

If you are struggling with reading God's Word, make a list of possible stumbling blocks.

Make a list of how we can grow closer to Jesus through the reading and studying of God's Word. : On a scale of 1-10, I would rate my reading and studying the Bible, a 6. There is always room for improvement. Possible stumbling blocks: Time constraints, life, laziness. These can be some possible reasons. We can grow closer to Jesus through the reading and studying of His precious word. There are so many beautiful life lessons just waiting for us to glean. We grow stronger in everyway when we make time, and take time, to read and study the Bible.


Sue said...

Good Morning Denise,
Thank you for this post today, I have been asking myself lately if I am reading and studying His word as much as I should?.
On your post yesterday, I have wrote these request in my prayer journal, and will commit them to prayer. Stellan and his family were already in it. Thank you for visiting.

Anonymous said...

For me, for many years, it was the translation of the Bible I was trying to read and study. Now that there are so many very good ones, it isn't as hard and I enjoye it more. I like the New Living Translation.
Mama Bear

Lisa said...

That is definitely something I could improve on. I am so overwhelmed with the kids and hearing my name MOM called so much. Just last night I had to do things for Adrienne that took a hour and half of my time....that is in addition to everything else I do. By the time there is time for me it is dark but I do have a very nice Bible and I have went to the concordance and looked up scripture for what I needed help with plus reading these blogs that are like little devotionals is about the extent of my study oh and when I can catch Bible Study at church. I need to improve this area because lately I feel my life is a spinning merry go round and I can't get off. Joel has called me about 10 times while I have been typing this and that is no exaggeration. I praise God they are healthy but I ask for strength often. I realize having 4 kids is too much but I don't regret it but I feel like a single mom because Tito works 12 hour shifts. Thank you for always praying for me, I love you Denise.

Darlene said...

I can always improve on this. I feel like a child that needs to be reminded to read the bible and study God's word instead of homework. LOL. I get caught up in the devotions and tend to forget to actually read the bible. Thanks for posting this. I really need to get back into list making. When I made my list each day I was so much better at taking the time to read my bible.
Have a wonderful weekend!

April said...

I think this is something most people could probably improve on. Reading the Bible helps me feel especially connected to God because I know it's His way of communicating with me...through His word. I like to read my Bible each night before I go to bed...always brings me such peace and I have a hard time putting it down once I get started.

Samantha said...

This is a good question, I know I need to read and study even more. Gods word always brings me peace and comfort. Thanks for this reminder and great post.
Hugs and blessings to my dear friend, have a great Saturday !

Toknowhim said...

Thanks Denise for participating weekly... Blessings Friend..

LauraLee Shaw said...

Oh yes, convicting subject. One I ponder OFTEN. For me, it is about distraction and focus, or the lack thereof. Something God is continually working on in me.

Love you, sister.

luvmy4sons said...

Reading and studying I would have to separate...I read probably a 6...studying more a 5...but I feel totally unable to judge myself on this....some day I will know how little I knew and how much I could have!

Fitter After 50 said...

I'm caught up with your blog. I can't believe I didn't have it on my Blog List and it was not intentional. I don't know if it's so much how much reading/studying the Word but more what are one's motives for reading/studying His Word. If the heart isn't right then it doesn't matter how much or how little time is spent. Would you agree?

Aunt Angie said...

YOU are such a blessing! I needed to read this!
Love you dear sister!

Grace said...

Hi Denise... this is a good question, but I would be ashame to myself with my answer. Though I read the Bible everyday, but it is not really on meditating. I read it along with my devotional material, together with my husband.
Though I read a lot of Bible inspired books. (I know this does not make an excuse.)
So, I rate myself at 3
I'm working on it to make myself better on that area of my spiritual life.

(Thank you very much for leaving a comment on each of my post. I appreciate it very much.)

Daphine said...

Great post! I'd rate myself at a
6....I read the Word daily, but could always use more time than I've put aside for it. I know that spending time with the Lord pleases him. I just want to be able to do it even more. Thanks for this post!

Michele Williams said...

I could improve on this as well. Thank you for your honesty...

blessings my friend

Leaon Mary said...

Good morning Merry Denise,

Sometimes I let people get between me n God's time together in His word. Other times, my own selfishness stands in my way.

Have a GREAT DAY in the LORD!!!!
Love U!!!

Barbara Jean said...

Thanks for that reminder.
I'm only about a 3 right now. I'll try to improve that number.
Feel free to check on me.

Barbara Jean