Fearless Friday
Prayer Requests:1) Please pray for precious Stellan, and his dear family. 2) My friend Mel had eye surgery this week, I pray that her vision will be totally restored to her. 3) I pray for my sister as she gets her iron infusion treatment this week, may God pour His strength into her.4) I pray for Angela, may God bless her sweetly. Praise Reports:1) Lynn got home safely. 2) My brother got to Florida, and back safely. 3) Our church is going to have short little television ads running in several resturants for a year. I pray that people will see them, come to our church, and get saved. May God do a great work in our church.
I said a short prayer for them.
For God's glory!
Hoping all your prayers are answered in His will.
You are such a loyal commenter on my Thankful Thursday posts, I wanted to give you a little treat:
Thank you so much Denise for your thoughts and prayers for me. I, too, will keep you deep in prayer and will also be praying for Stellan, his family, a rapid healing of your friend's eye so that total vision is restored in the name of Jesus.
God bless you sweet one,
Love you my friend! If you could keep Brian and I in your prayers too, we would appreciate it. We cut it really, really close financially this week and aren't sure if we can afford groceries this month or not - but we are trusting in Him for his complete provision for our every need!
Thank you precious sister for joining me in Fearless Friday. I will be praying and praising God for His will to be done, His glory and power to be revealed in and through these requests...
Always thinking of and praying for others! Love ya!
Thanks Denise for sharing your heart in prayer & prayer requests with Angela's Fearless Friday and so many times carrying the load at the Lighthouse of Prayer! I join with you in prayer! I praise Him with you for those praise reports! Alleluia! He sure can move mountains! Thanks so much! To God be the glory, honor & praise for GREAT things He has done & is doing
now & forever...bless you sweet sister in Christ!!!
prayed for you, denise. it may have been late. i didn't have computer/internet at home, but i know God heard me still. praising God along with you for answered prayers. God bless you sis.
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