My memory verse from last week was Jeremiah 17:9- The heart is more deceitful than all else, and is desperately sick, who can understand it? : Our hearts really try to deceive us quite often, and if we are not prepared, we will fall into sin because of the deceit. Only God can understand our hearts, and guard them.
Thank you for sharing your memory verse :)Bless you too!
Great job, Denise!! Thanks for joining me at The Power of Your Love for Weekly Memory Verse!!
Remember to go and link up!!
So glad you got to spend some fun time with Marsha!! Now when I read something I can picture you saying it!! Love it!
Very well put, Denise! So glad that your meeting with Marsha went well! I love the picture of the two of you together! Looks like you'll be friends for life!
That verse is so revealing and should shake us to the core reminding us how desperately we need our Savior every day!
You did a great job on your verse. :o)
Have a blessed week!
Yes...only God can understand us...Thank God He found me...
Good verse. I was not familiar with it.
Have a great week.
what a powerful verse!
Great verse and oh, so true!
Great verse. Have a great week, Denise.
oh yes. And thanks for sharing that verse! I need to memorize it myself with my new memorizing software I heard about at Amanda's. I am just now back on tonight. Thanks for coming by earlier. I'll be reading the rest of your posts. Have a Blessed week and thanks for visiting and encouraging. You make my day.
AMEN!...Very nice post! I could a lot of wisdom from here.
Amen, Sister.
Hope all is well with you.
Have you been reading my mind? Or taking a peek into my heart?
Denise you have an uncanny gift -- from God, obviously -- of saying EXACTLY what I need to have said to me in EXACTLY the way I need to hear it.
God bless you, friend, I love you!
Yes amen...I pray for discernment often. I do not want to be deceived.
Excellent post.
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