Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest Presidents in U.S. history once said:“To ease another’s heartache, is to forget one’s own.”: There are so many people in this world that are dealing with some major heartache. You might possibly be dealing with a heartache yourself. If you are my friend, please do not allow yourself to get totally lost in your pain. Instead, look around your world, there will be someone hurting more than you. Put your focus outward toward others, find ways to ease anothers pain. In doing so, your pain will be eased in the process also. We all deal with pain and heartache in this life, but we must not let it take over our life. God never said we would have a heartache free life, there will always be thorns among the roses. But, the beauty of the rose, is well worth the prick of the thorn. Be blessed, by being a blessing.
Well said sweetie!
We reap what we sow...a truth that stands firm! Amen sister.
Yes indeed, very well said. Abraham Lincoln did go through quite a bit of heart ache in his life so he knew what he spoke of.
We definitely grow during the difficult seasons in our lives ... the pricks, the pressure, the valley ...
Hi Denise,
Thanks for joining us today. Great word.
We have so much to give thanks for, and so many to pray for and help out.
Blessings to you♥
Thank you Denise. I so needed to hear this...this very minute.
Love you.
I haven't been around in a while but i missed reading your sweetness. Glad to be 'in the land' again! Bloggyland that is. I'm still waiting for the promised land!
Love, Heather
So sweet, Denise. With so many hurting people in the world, how can we *not* reach out to them? We must shoulder some of the burden. I loved your post, my friend, and love you!
"Be blessed by being a blessing. Don't get lost in your pain." All these are great words of wisdom we all need to apply in our hearts. Thanks for putting them to paper today for us.
This has been a helpful strategy for me for years. Win-win.
I don't know a whole lot of people who live out your advice more than you do. YOU are a living example of this quote.
love Abe Lincoln! he's been one of our favorites to study in homeschool!
Blessings to you sweet friend!
Oh I so agree with you Denise. There's so much heartache and pain around us. Yes, we may have problems but if we get our focus off of ourselves, we may find comfort as we reach out to others.
You're always a blessing, Denise. Blessings.
In our busy lives, it is hard to remember to make this a priority. Thanks for the reminder.
Hi Denise. You were one of the first three commentors on my pay it forward post. In fact you were the first. You are always so sweet about commenting and I'm honored to be able to send you something. Could you please e-mail me your address so I can get your gift out?
very nicely said Denise. happy Tuesday to you!
Loved seeing you on Marsha's blog. I want to hug you too someday! I know I will in heaven, but I'm talking on earth.
You are so good at encouraging!
Thank you.
I picture roses now --
You are absolutely right -- our heartache is great - but ALWAYS someone else is in pain also . . . and sometimes with a greater burden. As Christians, it is ours to recognize this. . . and share the burden.
Thanks you for your thoughts on this today.
So true my friend. There is always someone we can reach out there... someone who needs what we have to offer. Blessings,
Your posts always bless my heart, this was a blessing to me as are you !
Amen! It is easy to wallow in self pity and bury our heads in the sand...it takes an effort to help someone else when you are feeling sorry for yourself. This world is full of hurting people longing for someone to show them some love. The rewards are amazing when we give of ourselves.
Love you!
Thank you for such a wonderful post! I found you via Marsha's Musings. I am so glad you two got the chance to meet in person.
Stop by my blog and share your salvation story; you will be entered into a give-a-way. I know I will be visiting you often! This is a great site to gain insight!
God bless you new friend,
Lovely post. You Bless me.
Thank you for a timely reminder. Your words are such a blessing and always place a smile in my heart.
Denise...you are so brave and wise! What truth in these words!
Blessings to you!
So true Denise! I was just thinking that the other night, when we were at my husbands brothers baptism. One man talked about the material blessings he had, and I thought "Don't think that when you become a christian that life will be all roses!" It's roses because we have Christ, not material things! Does that make sense! I'm tired and probably shouldn't be thinking to hard!!!
Hi Denise, this is a great post. Abraham Licoln's words were very true. :)
Denise, you got me with this. Sometimes -- often -- when my heart is hurting my natural inclination is to hide, like an animal, until it doesn't hurt anymore when what I SHOULD be doing is getting out there and helping others and counting my MANY blessings. You have a way of getting right to my heart!
Thanks so much for sharing again this week. I always enjoy your "to the point" posts. I am just too wordy! :)
Thanks for the reminder! Great post!
Abraham Lincoln was an intelligent man who tried even way back then to keep our country from going through this financial mess... I have a new respect for him.
Beautifully put. Amen! Thank You Denise!
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