Galatians 5:22-23 (New International Version)
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.: God is love, and He graciously pours His self into us. We are to be channels of His love flowing into others. Are you doing that? Do you try to be an outlet for Gods blessings? Do you keep your heart open for opportunities to pour out love to someone in need? God gives us so many blessings, and we are not to be selfish with them. We need to bless others as we have been blessed. Please do not keep your heart closed to others, open the doors to your heart wide, let the Son shine. Let the love flow freely to a hurting world. Be blessed my friends, love you all.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.: God is love, and He graciously pours His self into us. We are to be channels of His love flowing into others. Are you doing that? Do you try to be an outlet for Gods blessings? Do you keep your heart open for opportunities to pour out love to someone in need? God gives us so many blessings, and we are not to be selfish with them. We need to bless others as we have been blessed. Please do not keep your heart closed to others, open the doors to your heart wide, let the Son shine. Let the love flow freely to a hurting world. Be blessed my friends, love you all.
Great exhortation. Love you!
Good morning, Beautiful Sister! I was so delighted by your story about your Barbie beauty station Christmas - your mother did exactly what you are describing in your post today. She was letting the Son shine in! It is just like Him to be using that story so many years later to cheer and uplift all our hearts. Thank you for passing it on!
That is a great new year challenge.
I love your new background! Love you, too!
Nice thoughts, Denise.
How was your Christmas day? :)
I love the fruits of the Spirit and hope that some of them are manufested in life. That last one is a tricky one and the one I have the most trouble with.
Much love,
Mama Bear
Great post! My I live the Fruit of the Spirit every day! Thank you... and thank you for praying... love you...
Hello my dear Denise!!! Ohhhhhhhhh, such a precious new blog header. It's adorable!
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.
I just read this in quiet time the other day. It's such a beautiful and timely scripture! Thanks for posting it!
Ah, the Fruits of the Spirit!! I love them, and though it is difficult these are what we are to strive for in our day to day lives.
Our Christmas Eve service touched on this--"God moments"--how in the busyness of our lives that these times that God is clearly there, clearly pointing us in a direction, clearly speaking to us--and what happens?? We miss it--miss the chance to work in another's life, be a blessing to them.
Good post, Denise!! Just keeping the Fruits of the Spirit in our minds should definitely make us more aware of our "God moments".
Hi sweet sis! What a great reminder, indeed!
So much love coming your way. ((hugs)) to you!
Wonderful truth my sweet friend
Hello! I LOVE your new background. I forgot about needing to change mine after Christmas. It will be fun to look for a new one and find one I like.
I appreciate what you wrote today too and agree this is a good thing to work towards this year.
Hello, nice post Sis, full days here and I have enjoyed my husband home.
I trust you and Eddie are enjoying one another too.
Hi Denise!
What a great post! You're right, we do have to be lights to this dark world we live in!!!
I pray you are feeling well, my friend!!
Denise, you are one of the best examples of modeling an open and loving heart that I know...
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