Another thankful Thursday is here, woo hoo!! I love giving praise to my Lord. What are you thankful for this week my friend? I pray that you have been sweetly blessed this week. I am grateful for unexpected heart blessings. My heart was deeply touched this week by a total stranger. I am involved with the prayer room at christian women online, which is a very wonderful ministry. So many people are hurting in various ways, and need our prayers, and encouragement. Christian women online are having a contest right now, the winner will get to go on a cruise with many other wonderful christian ladies. To enter the contest, you need to send in a video, saying why you feel you should win. Well, one precious lady, who does not even know me, made a video on you tube. She said the sweetest things, she talked about how we are to admonish one another. She also said, that she was not entering the contest for herself, but for someone named Denise. She had seen my name in the comments in the prayer room. She talked about how encouraging, and faithful she thought I was. Darlene from christian women online, sent me the link from the video. As I sat listening to this precious lady, tears began flowing like a river. Just to know that someone in this world who knows nothing about me, was touched by my faithfulness. Praise God for such caring, kind souls. My prayer, is that this sweet soul, will be blessed as greatly as she blessed me. To God always be the glory, without Him, I am nothing but useless clay.
Beautiful post! Thank you for visiting me tonight :)
Denise, What an awesome testimony.
wonderful story and you are deserving of the blessings. I have never been in the prayer room but the fact you are there praying for others shows the sweet spirit God has given you. beautiful story thanks for sharing that we might see and know the kindness of God's children.
Oh, Denise your words touch my heart so deeply.They always bring a smile to my face & tear drops to my eyes. I always find encouragement in your post I thank God for Him dropping you by my post months ago.
Love in Christ,
What a blessing! I hope you indeed are blessed & have a lovely Thankful Thursday!
oh you are so lucky and blessed.
have a wonderful day!
That's wonderful! Few things make us feel as special as when our testimony touches others. Thanks for visiting Borrowed Freedom.
That is so special. YOu've been a blessing and have now been blessed! Thank you for sharing!
How wonderful and what a blessing.
God is good my friend.
Oh, I hope you win!!! I think that would be so awesome for you and I also believe you deserve it. In this short while that we've been commenting back and forth, I have grown to really appreciate you and all the encouragment you give me. I hope I have encouraged you in some way too.
What a thankful heart you have. It just flows out of you...I'm so glad that someone did that for you! You are a blessing to so many. I, too, have benefited greatly from your prayers and kindness!
Blessings and ((hugs)) to you today my sweet friend!
That is such an awesome testimony! What we do for Christ always bears fruit!
Thanks for visiting my blog and joining in with thankfulness for creation.
What a blessing and wonderful testimony...
Sweet blessings to you! Thanks for sharing from your heart!
Oh that is a wonderful story and praise God for how He worked out all the details for you to blessed back tenfold!
Have a wonderful weekend!
In His amazing grace,
You ARE a faithful and wonderful Christian. It shows through in all you do!
I hope you win the cruise - you are so deserving of it!
Yes, yes, yes!!!! I saw the video, Denise and I think that was the most selfless thing I have seen for a very long time. How sweet that she entered you into the contest. Wouldn't it be neat if you were to go on a cruise with all the ladies from CWO?
Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us...
Be blessed today as you are blessing all in the Christian blogging community.
hi thanks for dropping by :) I love how you said that " I love giving praise to my Lord " . God bless your thankful heart too!
What a beautiful post, Denise. You are an angel to so many of us. You have impacted my life in such a positive, consistently caring way. It means the world to me. I love you, sister, and rejoice that God brought us together. Happy Thankful Thursday!
"To God always be the glory, without Him, I am nothing but useless clay."
Denise this is wonderful, that this woman is seeking the contest on your behalf. You probably have no idea how many souls you have helped the Lord to touch and to change. I am thankful for you, that you have made yourself His instrument.
God bless you.
Good for her! I understand completely why she would do this. You are such a blessing to us all with your love and encouragement. Blessings,
Mama Bear
I just love the story . . . Praise the Lord! Thanks for visiting me ;)
What a gracious and loving thing this woman has done! Beautiful tribute!
Love you, my friend.
Thanks for stopping by.
Great TT!
Blessings to you
What a beautiful post - you actually brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful blessing for you - I sincerly hope you win. Thank you for visiting my blog and for leaving kind comments. Blessings to you!
It is amazing how we can be blessed by people we've never met face to face. Isn't it wonderful that the Lord used you in this way? But you were faithful in serving in a prayer ministry. Thanks for your beautiful Thankful Thursday post.
I can think of no one more deserving! It is so awesome the way our lives are touched by another simply becaue of our connection through Christ. I pray you win...you bless so many! May God bless you!
I'm so humbled by that woman's generosity, and I wish I had thought of it myself. YOu are a blessing to me and so many, Denise. We may never meet this side of heaven, but I know we'll know each other instantly when we see each other.
Denise, I pray you win. Your blog is such a blessing. Thank you for your faithfulness and always, your sweet comments on other blogs.
Typing One-Handed
Awesome story...
Testimonies only come from "tests" - so I am grateful for you that you are being a prayer warrior over at the CWO prayer room! Thanks for stopping by my TT post. -Blessings.
What an awesome testimony and truly a blessing. You have blessed me as well through your comments you left on my blog. Thanks for visiting me over at Through The Storms of Life. God bless you!!
That is such a great blessing! Thanks for sharing it!
How precious. You are so awesome! I love you.
What a blessing for God to have put someone like her in your life! What a loving thing for her to do with the video, certainly something to be thankful for you are so right!
I love the new picture! Precious!
I read all the posts down the page from the last time...and thought...hmmmmm Denise loves to wash dishes! THAT is GREAT. I used to think dish washing was FUN...but I was about 6....and that was so very long ago....:)
I love you dear friend! I HOPE you win!!!
You definitely deserve this award, my friend!!! I love you & your generous servant's heart!
Very true! You do bless so many. If you only knew the power of your encouragement. You are making a difference for Christ!
So thankful someone took the time to bless you!
Wow! That is awesome, Denise! Thanks for your prayers today for my office. I could feel them working.
Great post Denise. Such a wonderful blessing for you. I just feel the love leaking from your post today!! Happy TT!
This is fabulous! What a wonderful testimony!
Thanks for sharing,
You ARE a blessing to so many! I know you have blessed me. :)
What a blessing. I am certainly keeping you in prayer for the LORD'S favor in being selected.
And you have been a blessing to me in such a short time. God continue to bless you and give you smiles. Thanks so much for visiting
denise, you deserve it. you have been a blessing to a lot of us in more ways than you can imagine. you have encouraged me so many times. i pray to God for more blessings to come your way. ♥
I can just imagine how you felt while watching the vid. God truly touches us all in many different ways- in many different mediums!
I just wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog and blessing me with your comment. Have a wonderful day!
Beautiful post Denise and you truly are a blessing and inspiration to many including myself.
Blessings Denise...WOW! This is AWESOME! I pray that this precious woman is blessed as she blessed you & that YOU WIN the CRUISE!!! That would be so wonderful and you & Lovebug deserve it! I'm so touched that you are involved in the CWO prayer room!
May God truly bless your thankful heart with the richest of this woman's video on your behalf! Thank You Lord for Denise & this special angel that Darlene sent from this video at CWO! Make it happen, Lord!
We will give you all glory, honor, thanks & praise in Jesus' Name!
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