My sweet friend Peggy has started a new Sunday meme. It is called super simple Sunday. If you want to join, just post
a scene or
a song or
a scripture
that's on your heart
[or any combination just few of your words]
a scene or
a song or
a scripture
that's on your heart
[or any combination just few of your words]
I'm back...
I have a treat for you on my Sunday Blog...just scroll down a bit and pick it up if you'd like.
Well, guess I am already a part of this group. Love your pics sweet sis!
What a lovely verse and illustration. Thanks for sharing it. I love this new meme. I'll be posting later after church.
Have a wonderfully Blessed Day.
Hi, I thought that new meme was so great that I signed up and did it too! This is something I can do!! Your pictures are so beautiful! Have a great Sunday! Blessings, Grams
Pretty pictures!!!
SUPER SHORTY BEAR!!! Blessings Denise! This is exactly perfect! A lovely site to wake up & praise Our Heavenly King! Praise His Name!
Gorgeous! Simply aMazing! I sat and gazed into the photo as my playlist music from my blog was playing Isaiah 6 with Todd! And he sang "The whole earth is full of Your Glory! Holy.."
Thank you so much for linking up with Super Sunday! Because of you & Sherry promoting it by your posting, more people have linked &
I'm delighted to meet new places! That's why I joined in the past other memes also to meet more precious people! I am SUPER blessed & I so appreciate you taking the time to share your praises! Praying your Sunday is SUPER & spiritually filled by His Presence, a holy healing & hug!ENJOY SSSSSSS!God bless you & Lovebug!
Just beautiful, my friend.
That is beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
Nice pics, Denise! You are one busy lady! I could not keep up!! *smile* Love you much!
That is a glorious picture and verse Denise! Simply beautiful~!!!!
Happy Columbus day!
Blessings from the pottingshed,
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