Problems can slow us down temporarily, but they don’t have the ability to stop us. Only we have that power. Wayne Cordeiro: When problems come knocking at our door, as they often do, we can let them take over our lives, put everything on hold, and just wallow around in them, or we can call upon the ultimate problem solver, Jesus. I, like everyone else, have had my share of problems, and satan loves it when the problems come. When we are at our weakest moments, satan is at his strongest. We cannot let him have that kind of power, he thrives on it. He wants us to be heavily burdened with problems, his hearts desire is for us to give up. When our hearts are feeling depleted, he begins to seep in. If we let our problems rule our life, he wins. I refuse to give him that power, greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world. I choose to call upon the precious, most powerful name of all, Jesus. He will lift my burdens, and give me sweet rest. Whenever I call, He always answers. I never get a busy signal. When Jesus walks in, satan flees. I intend to stay plugged into the greatest power source ever, my Saviour, forever.
That was good. I like what you said about if we let our problems rule our lives then Satan wins. When God wins, we win but its up to us to make that choice via our attitude and actions. Thanks
Denise, Thanks for your comments on my blog. I went to your profile and from there found your diabetes site first. After reading there, I can see how your IOW blog today comes from experience and a heart seeking God.
Our 22 year old daughter has had type 1 diabetes since she was 11. Her diagnosis anniversary is August 18. That was the second worst day of my life. The days that followed became better as we saw her faith in God grow in the midst of her illness. Our family will be participating in the Walk for a Cure this October in Huntington, WV.
Thanks for your insight today.
I tend to have that "problem" of well...letting problems rule me more than I should. I feel so guilty and humble later on when I realize that I put more faith in the problem than in the fact that God has already overcome the issue at hand.
God bless you for a wonderful post dear sister in Christ!
I am learning that one of the greatest defenses lies in 1 Peter. We should not be so surprised by our sufferings... because we will suffer and it is for Christ's sake.
Keep calling on Him Denise! You are such an encouragement to many people.
Great post - thanks for sharing today!
Agreed. Time to power up against the enemy with the Almighty.
You said it sister AMEN! Awesome stuff! Feel free to write me at the e-mail on my blog for more info about my diet and lifestyle if you want. Praying as always for ya!
GREAT thoughts! Love you!
Great post, Denise! I love that you wrote, "I refuse to give him that power, greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world." So encouraging. You have a wonderful gift of encouragement and I'm so glad you posted what you did. God bless you, my friend.
You are an encourager for sure,Denise!! Love you, Grams
You are so right on Denise!!! Problems will take you down with them if you don't have the belief that they can be lifted.
Great post. As always.
You are so right! Thank you for the reminder. I refuse to give satan the power too! You are such a great encourager Denise! Thank you!
Well said! Thank you for this reminder. I'm guilty of it too many a times.
Great post Denise. Thanks for the reminder that our problems can only slow us down, not stop us.
Denise you have such a godly attitude and your blog posts glorify God. You definitely know how to get through life's problems.
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