How can we lay a welcome mat of love for our husbands after a long day of hard work?
How can we make our homes inviting places where our husband longs to be at the end of a long day?: Awesome topic, and questions this week. I changed mine a little bit, since we do not have children. When my husband comes home, I want him to know he is loved. He works very hard all day in a hot factory pouring scolding hot iron, and various other jobs. He does this for us, to provide our needs. I appreciate him so very much, and I always want him to know that. I always greet him at the door with huge hugs, kisses, and smiles. I have him a cold sprite with plenty of ice ready, he tends to get so dehydrated at work. I have his clean clothes laid out, and everything ready for him to take a shower. When he gets out of the shower, I have him a snack ready. I ask him how his day was, and listen to his every word. I make sure that he knows I missed him very much, and that I care about how his day was. I do not spend time on the phone, computer, or other things. He gets my full attention. This is his castle, he is the king of my heart. This queen will always lovingly welcome her king home with open arms.
How can we make our homes inviting places where our husband longs to be at the end of a long day?: Awesome topic, and questions this week. I changed mine a little bit, since we do not have children. When my husband comes home, I want him to know he is loved. He works very hard all day in a hot factory pouring scolding hot iron, and various other jobs. He does this for us, to provide our needs. I appreciate him so very much, and I always want him to know that. I always greet him at the door with huge hugs, kisses, and smiles. I have him a cold sprite with plenty of ice ready, he tends to get so dehydrated at work. I have his clean clothes laid out, and everything ready for him to take a shower. When he gets out of the shower, I have him a snack ready. I ask him how his day was, and listen to his every word. I make sure that he knows I missed him very much, and that I care about how his day was. I do not spend time on the phone, computer, or other things. He gets my full attention. This is his castle, he is the king of my heart. This queen will always lovingly welcome her king home with open arms.
Hello dear sister,
I LOVE your post and love how you express your affection and care for your husband!
Bless you!
Awesome post on how to care for your man, Denise!
Wow! I better make sure my hubby doesn't see this! LOL!
Seriously, very good point, Denise. Our hubbies should be welcomed home with open arms. Thanks for the reminder.
How precious! What an awesome wife you are!
I have enjoyed reading this topic, it is an area I have room to grow in! Loved your ideas. Thanks for sharing.
What a blessing you are to your husband, sweet friend!
What a blessing you are to your husband, sweet friend!
I probably shouldn't let hubby see this either. :)
Some day I'm great at putting him first and serving him, others - all I want to do is talk about my day.
Such an important subject...and you are such an awesome wife to Lovebug. Hugs to you!
That's awesome!!!!
EXCELLENT!!! May we all be inspired and encouraged to do just these things you mentioned for our men.
Have a wonderful evening.
Big hugs,
I always meet Honey Bear at the door with a smile, hug and kiss. He says it means so much to him. Such a little thing to do to show the head of the home that he is appreciated. Blessings,
Mama Bear
Hey, when I move back to Huntsville, I'll only be 2 1/2 hours from you. Maybe we could meet somewhere for lunch.
Love Ya!
Hi. I love this!!! And thanks for stopping by on Thankful Thursday...sorry I didn't get back to you. Just getting used to Wordpress and I thought the comments would be automatically posted and/or emailed to me...wrong! Gotta change the settings etc. Anyway, thanks, and this post of yours is great...underscores my long held belief in how the husband/wife relationship is meant by God to be!
This was a great post!
A great reminder of how much our husbands need to know how important they are to us.
Keep up the good work.....you have one blessed man!
Oh Denise, this is so sweet! Your husband is blessed to have you!
Much love!
I really like comparing our home to a castle and my hubby is the king and I am the queen. Thanks for sharing!
Hope you have a wonderful week!
I love your post you are such a wonderful wife and friend. Thanks for some tips on how to care for your husband.
Your man definately knows he's appreciated! Your a great example Denise!
Hi Denise, what a loving post! Your love bug is so blessed to have you as the queen of his castle and likewise!
What a sweet post.
Denise-This is so beautiful. What a wonderful home you must have to come home to. I feel the same way about my husband. I know some would call me crazy, but some nights when he works late (like the last 2 nights-til 3:oo A.M.,) I stay up late just to see hime when he comes home, because I love him so much, and I've missed him, and I want to know all about the exciting things he saw or got to work on that day. I still feel the same way I did when we were courting. You know that flutter of anticipation of just seeing him. I hope I always have that in my heart for him. I think we keep our love alive because we do make the effort. It keeps you tender towards one another. Hope you're having a wonderful day, and thank you for your encouragment with my testimony. ~Blessings!
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