This week we are flashing back to the day when your Hubby popped the question…My lovebug and I met in November of 1984, and on December 16 1984, he popped the question. I will never forget that day. We spent the entire day together, we went to see an early movie, and then we went to eat at our favorite restaurant. When he took me home, we sat in the car talking for about an hour. I could tell he was very nervous about something, I kept asking him if he was ok. Finally, he looked up at me and quietly said, I need to ask you something important sweetie. I said, ok, go ahead. He said, let's get out of the car, so we did. He got down on one knee, took my hand in his hand, and said: Denise, you know that I love you more than anything in the world right? And, I know you love me, so will you make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me? Please become Mrs. Oldham, we can make a great team. He placed a beautiful ring upon my finger, while waiting on my answer. When I was finally able to speak, the tears were choking me up. I looked into his beautiful eyes, and I said: Yes,Yes, I will be your wife, I want to join your team. He stood up, picked me up, and kissed me passionately. We then danced in the front yard. We were married on April 6, 1985, and we have continued to dance for almost 24 years now. Go team Oldham.
Oh, how fun! My man and I flew between Dallas and Nashville for 3 years. He started hinting around that the question just might be getting popped soon, but I wanted to have a job lined up in the Big D (and I do mean Dallas) first. So, I get the job offer around Thanksgiving 2006, but still no popped question from my man. I admittedly get a little anxious, because I am stubborn and made it very clear that I was not moving without the ring (meaning commitment) and I was getting my own apartment while engaged (because Grandma said so).
On December 16, 2007, my little brother graduated from college and throughout the ceremony I was fuming inside, thinking "he's never going to ask, what up with that." Chris just laughed and my older brother laughed too, but I never caught on.
Until, our Christmas family reunion when Chris stood before 60 members of my family, got down on one knee and popped the question!! I was shocked and thrilled. I never had a clue. Never thought he would ask in front of my whole family. It was a perfect surprise and a perfect memory for us and our family.
He later told me that he had been hiding the ring for about six months, because he wanted to ask me at this specific family reunion, because my Grandfather had passed away the previous Christmas and he wanted us to have a special Christmas memory to hold onto one year later.
He is simply the sweetest man I know! And my sweet Grandma was the first to jump out of her seat and run to us for hugs!! She was thrilled and the wedding plans began that moment!
We celebrate our 1st Anniversary on September 22, 2008!!!!
Aww - how aewsome :) Im so happy you two have been so blessed - you two are a wonderful example of Gods promise to bring two of his children together in marriage and then sustain them!
This is so sweet! I love that you "joined his team" - love that!
Very sweet :) God gave us such an incredible gift- marriage! ♥
OH, how romantic! That is beautiful! Your courtship prior to engagement sure was short, but it's obviously lasted and developed into a wonderful team!
Love you, my friend.
Aww... how sweet! Thank you for sharing your beautiful proposal story.
Oh Denise, what a beautiful memory!! Go team Oldham!! Woo Hoo! Here's best wishes for 24 more years together.
Wow keep dancing! I ove the dancing in the yard. What a wonderful image. Hello sis.
I trust you are having a good morning. Thank you for the devotions and such.
I am resting with my leg propped up and almost ready for a nap. I just do not want to walk all the way to my room.
I can close my eyes and just see the two of you dancing.
This is a beautiful story and memory that you have. I'm so happy to hear about it. You will be having a silver anniverary soon.
Congratulations! When its right, you just know.
Mama Bear
Did you figure out which one is me? So far no one has said.
how sweet!!!! what a wonderful story! thanks for sharing! our engagement story is posted here! what wonderful memories! :)
I'd say Team Oldham is a winner in any book! Yay team!
After knowing him one week, my husband would ask me every day to marry him. After a year and a half, I said yes! I told him no because he was younger than me and thought he would eventually figure out there was something better out there...he wore me down...and we are still together...by God's amazing grace! I'm glad he never gave up on me.
On our 15th wedding anniversary, he and our son went and bought me a new wedding band set and when they come home he had this whole little ceremony where "they" asked me to marry him all over again! It was too cute! Of course, I said yes!
what a beautiful love story
bless you both
you both do make a great team
Love you
You guessed correctly! Too bad I wasn't giving a pize. Ha
Mama Bear
Go Team Oldham!
My husband and I have known each other since we were 13 years old, my father his his family's priest. He would sit behind me during choir and whisper something funny in my ear during moments of silence, and we would sit together tucked away in a corner during coffee hour, just chatting the day away.
We didn't start to date until we were 18, and as soon as we started dating we both knew we would date no other. We started planning our hypothetical wedding about six months after we were dating. One day, we just set a date for our hypothetical wedding, and all of the sudden it wasn't so hypothetical.
I told Paul I still wanted him to propose, and became a little impatient. One night we were laying in bed, chatting about nothing, and I asked Paul "are you ever going to purpose or are we just going to get married?" Paul rolled over and said my full name (with three middle names that's impressive) and asked me to marry him. Now... we lived right next to a Chevron Station, and their neon light was coming through the window at just the right angle to emphasize Paul's features in the darkness, so all I could really see what his skull. My mind went with the vision trick, and imaged a rotting corps using my full name to purpose, I could see maggots falling out of his mouth and nose!
So, I laughed in Paul's face for a long time after he proposed, to which he said "if you weren't already planning the wedding, this would be really disconcerting!", before I finely said yes!
A young couple, we had a long engagement, and were married at age 22, and 21 in 2005. Three year's now... hoping to start a family in another three.
What a sweet sweet story, Denise! I love it! Steve popped the question at a convention our agency was hosting. We met at work and after he finished doing his part, we went out afterwards. I'll never forget him asking me if I wanted to go look at rings, and then when he put it on my finger I just couldn't believe it. I was 20 years old. 17 years later, we are happy as we were back then.
And thank you so much for your comment on today's post. It means the world to me! All your comments do, I treasure them.
That is a wonderful memory! Aren't they fun to go back and remember! Warm fuzzies!!!!
Blessings again Denise...this is a Flashback worth a million...how beautiful to have such a vivid and cherished day. You are just a young bride! Your lovebug is truly just that a Love Bug! How sweet!
Go Oldham team & keep this fire burning! The new blue bears hugging and enjoying their love by the moon remind me of how great is the marriage that God joins together! Way to go Eddie and Denise! Manny, many blessings!
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