Tell about one time in the past 5 years where you took a HUGE Step of Faith in your journey with the Lord. What was the outcome? In January 2003, my husband and I took a huge step of faith when my momma moved in with us. We had no idea how that step would drastically change our life's forever. Her health quickly began to decline in 2005, she suffered from various medical problems. She was diagnosed with dementia, colitis, kidney failure, high blood pressure, and a seizure disorder. We spent most of our time at a doctors office, or the emergency room. She had to stay at the hospital so much. Her last hospital stay was in March of 2006, the doctor told me then, that my momma was dying. My options were: put her in a nursing home, put her in the hospice wing of the hospital, or bring her home. I did not even have to think about it, we brought her home. The doctor said she had six months, maybe a little longer. She came home on March 21, one month later on April 21, 2006 my momma went to heaven. The journey was heartbreaking, devastating,beyond sad, the hardest journey I have ever taken. But, was it worth it? Yes, every step of the journey was worth it. My husband and I were honored to take care of my precious gift of a momma, she was the bravest woman we have ever known. She became our hero, she never complained, no matter how much pain she was in, or how bad she felt. She constantly kept a beautiful smile upon her face. God was so faithful to us during those dark days, He never left us. He blessed us by letting me lead my dear momma to Him, she gave her heart to Him in our home, in her room in 2005. Talk about a celebration, the three of us cried, and laughed, and praised God together that night. Never be afraid to take a giant leap of faith, God will be there to catch you, always.
Amen! What a blessing to be able to care for the one who cared for you all those years. Wonderful! I wanted you to know I have nominated you for an award...please stop by for details http://www.homeschoolbogger.com/mominmi
That is so awesome. Your mamma was so blessed by you and you will NEVER regret doing that. The biggest step of our lives was letting me quit work when my husband was in a commission position and we didn't know if he would even make enough to pay the house payment...but that was 12 years ago. In the past five years it has been letting our son chase his dream to go to college in California. And he leaves on Tuesday.
What an awesome story Denise!!! A sad one, but one with so much joy too. I know that today many couples are faced with decisions like yours, and your story can be a testimony to what God can do through us.
"God loves you so very much, never doubt that."
Yes! Yes, ma'am!
That was a sweet post. It made me think of my mom. What if something happens to her, and we're in the mission field. It would be great to be with her in her darkest hours. Ah, my heart is wrenched with tears. May God give you the same love and affection when it's your turn to journey that road to Jesus' bosom. {hugs}
I am so happy your dear Mama gave her heart to Jesus!! My Mother is waiting for me in Heaven, too!! Love and Hugs, Grams
I am always so very encouraged and uplifted when I read your blog. You have such a huge heart and I hope that when I speak of others it comes out even half as loving. You have such an amazing story, and I love hearing more and more of it.
Thanks for sharing this step of faith.
Oh, bless you dear sister! You touched my heart with this awesome testimony of faith, honor, and love. You are an inspiration! Thank you so much for sharing.
My father came to live with me through hospice as well. One week after his diagnosis he passed away with my sister, my husband and myself at his bedside. He had been in a coma since that morning. Then when we noticed his breathing getting shallow we could sense the Holy Spirit in the room. My sister asked my father, "dad do you see the angels taking you to heaven?" My father opened his eyes, smiled, and took his last breath into eternity with His Savior who forgave Him of all his sins. The next day as my sister and I were cleaning up this things, we found a little Good News Bible, inside was the sinners prayer with my father's name and date he trusted Christ! It was a great assurance from our Lord that our father was truly with Him.
Thank you again dear sister.
God Bless.
Praise God for wooing Momma, urging her ever so gently to give Him her heart! What a celebration indeed, with the angels joining in!
That was beautiful!! Thanks for sharing this!! You are a blessing!!
What a touching story! You are a wonderful woman Denise and your Momma is blessed to have you - just ask an angel. Thank you for sharing this; God bless you!
I think it is so wonderful that your leap of faith brought your mom to the Lord.
That's beautiful!
Denise, you have such an incredibly large heart! When it pumps, I'm sure it oozes love through every artery and capillary. You are loved, my sister, my friend.
It's so wonderful to hear that you were able to lead your mom to Christ.
God bless you sweetie for sharing this wonderful testimony of your leap of faith to God.
Your mother is so blessed to have had an angel like you to watch over her and God's heart must be warmed by the strong love and faith you show. God bless you dear Sister, you are an angel.
WHat a beautiful step of faith, Denise. xxxooogretchen
My biggest leap of faith was deciding to honor the Lord and my wedding vows when I found out my husband had not honored them.
I have lost many supposed Christian friends through teh experience, but I am "leaning on the everlasting arms". Thus far, God has brought us closer together and is helping us teach our son that His blood covers all things. Without it, we could not have survived it. With it, it is tough some days, but I am "clothed with scarlet" and I will not fear.
Praise the Lord for the precious gift of memories you have in leading your momma to Him and knowing Jesus was waiting for her to lead her to the banqueting table.
Denise, how are you doing? I have not heard from you in a while now. We have been gone on our long trip but are back now...Sandy
Don't know what huge step of faith I took within 5 years, but I do know that we did take a leap of faith in in 2000. Same as you, we moved my mom in with us. We gradually saw a decline in her health and mental status within a few years. I took her to many doctors appointments, etc. She had diabetes and I eventually took over her care completly. My daughter used to watch her when I had meetings to go to in the afternoons, mornings she was ok for a short time, I only work until noon. You know the routine as her mental state began to go and she began living (in her mind) days and years gone by (long time ago). We took her to New York (drove from Calif. in her motorhome) in 2004 to visit my brother. That was after many doctor visits, etc. to make sure she could make the trip. Took her to the beach in the summer. One morning in Dec. 2005 I went in to take a blood test, and she was gone. I too, will never regret what we did, and what we learned from it. God is good and gracious at what he allows us to experience sometimes, even painful experiences. I guess that would a leap of faith. We just did it.
God Bless
Awesome! I was touched to hear your story! I know the difficulties of caring for someone who is on there way to meeting our saviour! I know God had blessed you for your willingness to honor your mother regardless of the cost to you. You have a beautiful spirit!
You are such a wonderful example to me, my friend. God truly blessed you with your sweet mother.
Love you & praying for you always!
So awesome that you were able to lead your sweet mother to Christ.
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