Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. James 5:16 NKJV: We should all fall on our knees, and pray to our Father for each others burdens. He will hear us, and answer our prayers. Join your heart with another, where two or more are gathered, He will be there.
Oh, yes. Amen sweetie!
Hi Denise, I did a new post today and I think it is time for me to go on a bloggy break!! I have to check Nancy blood sugar many times a day and she gets 6 shots a day!!
With all the Dr's appointments blogging has become more then I can do right now.
I will e- mail you all the time and keep up that way! I can read your blog but I won't leave comments there! I love you and pray for you daily.
Do Remember you are accepted in the Beloveded! Did I spell that right?? I clung to that verse after the divorce. I felt so rejected. Love and Hugs Grams
A friend and I have been walking together for years, and I don't know when we started, but at the end of each walk, we pray. It's so awesome, and makes me think of your verse. Thanks for participating in this, Denise. You have blessed me and others so much. xxxooogretchen
This verse was much needed by me today, sweet friend. Thank you for posting it!
Hope you are feeling well!
Love & Prayers,
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