Café Chat is The Internet Café's weekly meme! On Saturday of every week there will be a new open ended question for us to chat about, and your objective is to write a response to the question of the week, and then post it on your blog! May 3 - If you could have a conversation with any one person, dead or alive, with the exception of Jesus, who would it be and why? Wow, such a great question. There are so many people that I would love to have a conversation with, some of them are still living, and some have gone to be with Jesus. But, if I had to choose just one, it would be Martin Luther King Jr. This man was truly a man after Gods own heart, such a peacemaker. All he wanted was for everyone to get along, and for people to love each other. He wanted everyone to be treated fairly, and equally. When he looked at you, he did not see a color, only a person. He looked out through eyes of love. Sounds alot like Jesus to me, what about you? God is love, and love has no color. I wish we were all color blind, and not so judgemental. I would love to be able to tell Mr. King thank you, for all his efforts to bring peace to the world, and rid it of prejudice. I would tell him how very sorry I am that his life was taken by a violent act. He will never be forgotten, his memory will live on in all the peacemakers of the world. Congrats Mr.King, you are now dwelling for eternity with the ultimate peacemaker.
Matthew 5:9- Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
Matthew 5:9- Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
I think I would like to speak to Paul or Peter!
Excellent choice!
That would be such an interesting conversation to be able to talk to Martin Luther King.
I love your reasons for your choice. Yes, you are right, he was a peacemaker - but an ACTIVE peacemaker, not one that's in denial - "Oh, if I ignore it, it will go away." To many people today think peacemaker means to ignore wrong for the sake of keeping peace. The word peace means to set as one, as a broken bone. Being a peacemaker involves setting things straight and binding wounds.
Great choice my friend.
This was an awesome choice for Cafe Chat. So thought provoking and so awesome to think of such a peacemaking man being with The Peacemaker as you said. I loved this...
Great idea for a meme and great pick. Martin Luther King Jr. would be one awesome person to talk to. I'd have to agree.
He made my short list too! I often wonder what it would have been like to talk to those obedient ones...he just wanted peace...isn't that what we are all searching for....
Living as a peacemaker...I'll join you!
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