Saturday, December 8, 2007

Delighting In The Details

The precious details of our life are so often overlooked. We hurry through our days, forgetting to remember the little details that make up our life. As my eyes are fading, my true vision is growing more clear. I look more closely at the details. My husband has never looked more handsome, his smile is beautiful. I have imprinted his face deep in my heart. The loveliness of Christmas is all around me, and I am taking in all the beauty of the season. I praise God for everything I have seen in my lifetime, the good, and the bad. For all I have seen, and experienced, have led me to this moment. Some were born blind, or loss their vision when they were only children. I have no reason, or right to complain. I do not want to complain, I only want whatever God chooses for me. I am praising God for allowing me to look through the eyes of His love. The details of my life are lovely, and I am grateful for that. Blessings to you all.


lori said...

Savor the moments of your sight, however long they are to last...God will give you what you need...
I read this morning that "His grace is sufficient" and thought of you..

The detail of noticing....
your perspective is so unique and so powerful for all of us.

Anonymous said...

Denise, your perspective on your sight issues amazes me. I'm not sure I could have the same cheerful attitude. The Bible says God will not give us more than we can handle (with His help) and that certainly is true of you.

I hope you have a great weekend. I am so glad you are feeling better!

Bernadine said...

Hope you're having a lovely weekend.

His Girl said...

Beautiful, awesome, wonderful perspective! May God bless you with the reminder to continue to focus your eyes on Him.

Thanks for sharing!