Well, we did not get the encouraging news we were praying for. The doctor is a really nice man, very glad we found him. He is very different from the other eye doctor she was going to. He is very caring, we like that. He told us that she has what is known as optical atrophy. Here is the definition: The optic nerve is composed of mostly axons from the millions of ganglion cells within the inner layer of the retina. The optic nerve goes from the eye, crosses at the optic chiasm, ( after which it is called the optic radiation) and innervates the vision centers of the brain. In optic atrophy, some of the ganglion cell axons that make-up the optic nerve have died, or are dying. When the eye doctor looks into the eye, the optic nerve looks white or pale instead of the normal pink, healthy color. A large number of things can cause optic atrophy, either things within the eye, or things within the brain. Sometimes optic atrophy can occur by itself, but most of the time its associated with, or a symptom of, another serious disease. Optic atrophy is never a good sign, and often requires a through work-up to identify the cause. Optic atrophy can lead to varying degrees of vision loss; from near-normal vision to complete blindness. Vision can decrease rapidly in some cases. She has to go have an MRI next Friday(December 7), please keep praying. She is smiling all the way through this, that is one of the many reasons I love her. She wanted me to tell you all, that she appreciates your love, prayers, and friendship more than you will ever know. She loves you all very much. She is going to try to get online tomorrow, bye for now.
Let her know I'm praying for her! *hugs*
My new post of my new MEME is up if you would like to participate again...
I will keep on praying!! Love you and you are a sweetheart!
Thanks Eddie for your update. Hugs Carolyn
Keeping Denise in my prayers too.
We are praying!!! We love you, too! (((Hugs)))my sweet friend. You are precious. Thank you Eddie, for keeping us informed. Prayers for both of you,
Thanks so much for the update. I will continue to keep both of you in my prayers.
I'm a new visitor here and wanted to extend prayers for healing, comfort, strength and peace.
Thank you Eddie again.
My hubby wouldn't even know how to sign in to my blog much less post in it. LOL You are doing a wonderful job.
* * * * * * * * * *
You are in my prayers. Just hold on to God's word. He alone is the Master Healer. I pray He wraps His healing arms of love and comfort around you.
Much Love My Friend!
We are praying for her Eddie and of course you both know that!! I so appreciate the updates!! Sandy
Thank you so much for the update. You are both in my prayers and thoughts. Please tell Denise that she is so precious to me.
Love and Prayers,
Praying for you! Lovely picture of you, and Eddie! God Bless y'all!
Hi Sis, I am so glad your going to a different eye doc. This is so encouraging that you have someone with knowledge and a willingness to educate you both. I was thrilled to see your comments today. How wonderful to have you home to us here in blog haven :)
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog to wish me a happy birthday! You truly don't know what it means to me... with all that is going on in your life!
Eddie... thank you for your updates! You are doing a fantastic job of describing these conditions! God bless you!
Denise... I will be praying for you!!! I know God has you in his ever loving hands!
Thanks for the update. I'm keeping Denise in my prayers.
I was glad to see you at my blog today. Take care, dear friend and get lots of rest.
I am praying for you my friend!!!
Hey lady I just read this today and am so sorry I missed it - hope things are getting better - take care lady
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