I want to say thank you to everyone, for your heartfelt prayers. I am so very grateful for your love, and friendship. They mean more to me, than words could ever express. It has been a long, and weary week here at the Oldham home. I thank God for Eddie, he takes such great care of me. He is so sweet to update my blog for me, he knows how important you all are to me. He is being so strong for me, but I know he is worried about me. He told me the other night, that if he could, he would give me his eyes. All along, I had really thought, that my vision would improve. I knew I would never have perfect 20/20 vision again, but I did think I would have no more pain, or smeared vision. I thought I would be able to have half my vision back. But, yesterday, I realized that is not going to happen. My vision is never going to improve, the nerves in both eyes have been damaged by neuropathy, they have wasted away. According to what the MRI shows next Friday, my vision will either slowly continue to get worse, leading to blindness. Or, there are several other outcomes. But, you know what? My vision maybe wasting away, but my faith is growing stronger everyday. God gave me precious sight, and if He chooses to take it away from me, that is okay. May His will be done. I hold you all deep in my heart, sending you love and prayers.
You are welcome. I am glad to see you are back to your blog. Thank hubby for keeping us updated.
I yelped with joy when I got online tonight. My kids think I've lost it for sure. LOL I was so excited to see you had been posting. You make me smile.
You are still in my prayers. I want you feeling better fast. You have a wonderful man there taking care of you. God Bless him.
Take care!!!
Get Rest!!!
Get Better!!!
I love you my friend!!!
I continue to pray for you and keep you in my thoughts.
I appreciated Eddie for keeping us updated. He's a sweetheart and you should definitely keep him. :-) He is also in my prayers.
Blessings and love,
Thank you for the update. We will keep raying. There is power in prayer. He is our healer. I so want His will to be done.
Tell Eddie we appreciate him keeping us updated. I knew something was wrong when I had not heard from you. Glad you are back. Missed you.
I am so glad you are back... and you can get your computer set up with braille and voice activate equipment now so you can keep blogging... I know how much you love it...
or maybe I'm selfish.. I know how much I love you and I don't want to miss one moment with you
or I just keep praying for a big ol' miracle
Love you bunches
Welcome back. We've missed you!
Take care and delight in the life the Lifegiver of all is offering us.
I am praying for you!! It is so great that Eddie keeps us updated when you aren't able to.... Love. and Hugs Carolyn
Tell Eddie thanks for keeping us updated. We're still praying!!
So glad to see you back. I've been praying for you and I will continue to keep you in my prayers.
Denise, I am thankful for the many things you "see" that others miss. Your insights on your blog are beautiful. I will continue to pray with you and your family. I pray that the Lord will continue to strengthen you for the journey ahead, going before you and making your way for you! In Him,
So nice to see you blogging again Denise!! I think we are all happy to see you back!!
Please just rest and take care of yourself. I admire your attitude. I am not sure that I would be able to have such a positive one like you. BUT we never know until we are put into that position.
Take care and God Bless you!!
Lets see what the mri show. I once had two fractures disappear!
Do not be moved.
Rest and keep up on your physical needs hun.
love you
Pleased your better
bless dear Eddie
jen at http://my3boysandi.wordpress.com/
How overjoyed I was to see you again!
My prayers are with you, as I understand your vision struggle and all those struggles you are going through.
Bless you My Friend!
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