Saturday, November 17, 2007

Diabetes:Activity Tips

Being more active can help you manage your diabetes. The tips on this sheet can help you get the most from your exercise. They can also help you stay safe.
Benefit from Briskness
Brisk activity gets your heart beating faster. This can help you increase your fitness, lose extra weight, and manage your blood sugar level. Try brisk walking. Or, if you have foot or leg problems, you can try swimming or bike riding. You can break up your exercise into chunks throughout the day. Work up to at least 30 minutes of steady, brisk exercise on most days.
Warm Up and Cool Down
Warming up and cooling down reduce your risk of injury. They also help limit muscle soreness. Do a mild version of your activity for 5 minutes before and after your routine. You can also learn stretches that will help keep your muscles loose. Your health care provider may show you good ways to warm up and stretch.
Do the Talk-Sing Test
The talk-sing test is a simple way to tell how hard you’re exercising. If you can talk while exercising, you’re in a safe range. If you’re out of breath, slow down. If you can carry a tune, it’s time to pick up the pace. Walk up a hill. Increase the resistance on your stationary bike. Or swim faster.
What About Eating?
You may be told to plan your exercise for 1–2 hours after a meal. In most cases, you don’t need to eat while being active. If you take insulin or medication that can cause low blood sugar, test your blood sugar before exercising. And carry a fast-acting sugar that will raise your blood sugar level quickly. This includes glucose tablets or hard candy. Use it if you feel low blood sugar symptoms.
Safety Tips
These tips can help you stay safe as you become fit:
Exercise with a friend or carry a cell phone if you have one.
Carry or wear identification that says you have diabetes.
Use the proper footwear and safety equipment for your activity.
Drink water before, during, and after exercise.
Dress properly for the weather.
Don’t exercise in very hot or very cold weather.
Don’t exercise if you are sick.
If you are instructed to do so, test your blood sugar before and after you exercise.
When to Stop Exercising and Call Your Doctor
Stop exercising and call your doctor right away if you notice any of the following:
Pain, pressure, tightness, or heaviness in the chest
Pain or heaviness in the neck, shoulders, back, arms, legs, or feet
Unusual shortness of breath
Dizziness or lightheadedness
Unusually rapid or slow pulse
Increased joint or muscle pain
Nausea or vomiting

1 comment:

Mary said...


This is a wonderful informative article. Thanks so much for helping diabetics manage their glucose levels. I'm enjoying your series.
