Friday, October 19, 2007

Friday Five

Name five favorite movies: Beaches, Terms Of Endearment, Steel Magnolias, Murphy's Romance, Ghost
Name four areas of interest you became interested in after you were done with your formal education: Writing Poetry, Singing, Journaling, Cooking.
Name three things you would change about this world: Racial Intolerance, Religious Intolerance, and all forms of abuse.
Name two of your favorite childhood toys: Candyland Game, and Barbie Beauty Center
Name one person you could be handcuffed to for a full day: My dear Eddie


Jules said...

I LOVE Steel Magnolias and Beaches; two of the greatest movies ever! This was neat Denise, fun to read! Love and Prayers, Julie

ps I posted on Philippians 2:19-30 (finally) today!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

I knew that you would pick Eddie to be chained too. I would pick my hubby too. How are you feeling?

Sandy said...

This is neat!! love you, Grams

Anonymous said...

Hi Denise, as always a blessing to visit and I too liked your Thankful Thursday and the other posts. I would love more quiet time too in this loud hectic world. The world needs God so badly. What a beautiful song you have playing. God Bless..

Mary said...

What great answers to the questions. I also love Beaches, Steel Magnolias and Ghost. Have a blessed weekend, my dear friend.
