Sunday, April 22, 2007

Happy Sunday

Happy Sunday everyone, let the precious Son shine down upon your life. Let Him fill every part of your heart with beautiful warmth and much love. He will bring joy to your heart, if you will just let Him in. Blessings to everyone, I love you all.


eph2810 said...

He certainly has been working in my heart this morning...

Blessings to your Sunday afternoon and always.

Anonymous said...

Hi hon,

What an adorable graphic. I was thinking of making a little something for you, maybe a sigtag. I hope the rest of your Sunday is joyful.

Pearls of Wisdom said...

What a cute little bear. Hope your weekend brought you some peace .


Angel ( D.)

Grandparents Corner said...

Awwee, such a sweet little sleeping bear. It is exactly what I did after services on Sunday. I needed it greatly, and then was refreshed and went to evening services. *hugs*