Monday, January 25, 2016

Simple Woman's Daybook-January 25

Outside my window... A cold 31 right now, but will be warming up to 52 later today.

I am thinking... I really need to get a new phone, having problems hearing on this one. 

I am thankful... That when I fell Saturday night, I did not break any bones.
I am wearing... Grey sweat pants, and an Alabama t-shirt.

I am creating... New year planner.

I am going... To take a nap in a little while.

I am wondering... How long this soreness throughout my body, is going to last.

I am hoping... For a happy week.

I am learning... To slowly, like myself a little bit.

In my kitchen... Pork chops, with stuffing, cooking in the crockpot. Smells soooooooo good.


GranthamLynn said...

Sorry you fell. Looks like you have some nice plans.
Hope your week goes well.
Enjoy your nap. I hear one calling me soon!

Lisa in Texas = ) said...

Thankful that you were not hurt seriously in your fall.💗

Evanir said...

Esse mês estou comemorando 11 anos de blog.
È tempo demais dedicado a essas pessoas lindas de Deus
que fui conhecendo ao longo dessa caminhada.
Deixei um mimo na postagem se for do seu agrado
leve ficarei feliz.
E ficarei feliz da mesma forma se ñ levar eu entendo.
Um carinhoso beijo.
Deus abençoe por tudo.
E uma semana de paz .

Paula said...

Beautiful daybook on your beautiful Valentine blog! Sorry to hear you fell. Hope you are mending!! Have a wonderful week!

Christine said...

Sending hugs and praying you will feel stronger. God bless!

Saleslady371 said...

Oh, I love naps; they are so refreshing. What's with the Alabama sweatshirt, lady in Tennessee?

Bob Bushell said...

Keep on trying.

Sharon said...

I'm so glad that your fall didn't cause too many problems! And hey, a nap sounds pretty good to me right now, too!

Denise, it's wonderful to see you back in Blog Land!


Linda said...

Although I rarely take naps I believe there is good benefit in them!

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my careful Denise, those falls can be so devastating!!!
Loved reading your daybook today. You're LOVED by us all.

Jeanette Levellie said...

Sorry you fell, but thankful you weren't hurt worse! I'm proud of you for learning to like yourself because we and Jesus think you're pretty great!