Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Counting Our Blessings

Had a bad fall Saturday night, look like I got beat up. But, praise God, no broken bones!! Eddie and I are both over our colds. My fur baby Coco is feeling better. My in-laws both got good reports from their recent doctor appointments. We did not get bad weather here, only some rain. Keep counting your blessings!!


Denise said...

OUCH ! looks like it hurts.Praise God for Your protection and all the other blessings : )

Anonymous said...

Oh wow Denise! HUGS!!! I hope you never have a fall again!! Praising the LORD no broken bones~ HUGS!!!!

Blogoratti said...

So sorry about your fall, I do hope that you recover quickly and get enough rest. Hang in there and best wishes always.

moreofhim said...

Oh, Denise! That looks so very painful!! I'm praising God that you didn't break anything, though, and that these wounds will heal. You're such a dear, dear person and my prayers are always with you! Sounds like you have some good reports and great blessings from God! Yay! God is SO good!!

Thank you so much for linking up with me and counting your blessings!

Much love to you - Julie

Linda said...

It does look sore, Denise! Praise God for no broken bones!

Joyful said...

My goodness it does look like you were beat up. Thank God for no broken bones. Thank God too for milder weather in your part of the world and a good medical report for your family members.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Glad everyone is feeling well and getting good doctor's reports!

Sharon said...

Oh Denise, you poor thing! That tumble must have really hurt!! Glad to hear, though, that there's no broken bones. And glad to hear that all of you are feeling better. I love that you have looked for God's *silver lining* in all of this! This is His new challenge for me in 2016 - to be GRATEFUL every day for something. To seek gratitude no matter what the circumstances.

You set a very good example for me. Thank you.


Christine said...

Oh you do look as if you were in the wars but I am so glad you are well in spirit & setting us a great example to give thanks in everything!
God bless this week!

Farida said...

I"m sorry...
Yes, I also thank God that my parents are I are enjoying life's little pleasures from time to time, that we are able to eat more than 3 meals a day, that we laugh wholeheartedly.

Starry Dawn said...

Dear friend, Denise,
I am praying for your complete healings and prompt recovery.
We all love you, girl!!
God may bless you forever.
Love & Big Hugs,
Poet Starry.