Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Thanks everyone for your kind comments on yesterdays post. I truly appreciate your
prayers, concern, support, and friendship. I will get through this with my Father's help, as always. Some of you suggested that I get a ride from a friend at Church, since my husband refuses to take me to Church. I appreciate the suggestion, but, what you do not understand, is I am not allowed friends, and he does not want to go to Church, and does not want me going without him. It is a crazy, vicious cycle. Just keep on praying, God is listening. I love you all.


rcubes said...

No one else can break this cycle but the power of the Lord. This morning, I'm glad to be reminded that the Lord is our Mediator that we can boldly go to His Holy Place. Anytime. Anywhere. Sending you hugs sister. Please be strong in the Lord's mighty power! (Ephesians 6:10)

Pia said...

Wanted to call you, but i'm worried you might get in trouble. Can we skype?

Anonymous said...

Don't allow him to call all the shots. He should not ALLOW you like you are a child not to go to church with a friend. If that is the case Denise, the situation is far worse than you want to admit!
I love you, and have been around abuse enough to know this is the time to change things!!! ♥♥♥

Joy said...

Although it is the case, the good thing is God understands you. You have his presence and his words.
I listened a lot of preaching of God's words from internet. It helps me grow and I study and meditate the living word by my own. And you are a strong woman in faith dear that inspite of your difficult situation inspires the readers. Bless you dear and I love you.

Sharon said...

I understand, Denise. My mother knows what you speak of - the controlling, the cruel words, the belittling, etc. They also do not attend church anymore because a couple of years ago my dad decided that he couldn't hear the sermon, and he was tired of going. My mom watches Charles Stanley on Sunday mornings. Maybe you would be allowed to "watch" church?

Know that prayers are supporting you -

Listen to the voices of those who love you - especially the still, small Voice of The One.


Deanna said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your marriage right now. Hopefully it will be for only "right-now" and soon you guys will have the kind of relationship that you're praying for :)
God Bless you!!!!
...hope your health is hanging in there especially if you didn't get to make it to the ER the other day.

Laurie Collett said...

Dear Denise,
Praying for you and your situation. God knows your heart and how much you love Him and He will make a way.
Love you,

a joyful noise said...

Sorry about the control issues at home. On the upside, there are the wonderful blogs where you can gain inspiritation even if you cannot attend church.
May God bless you richly!

Chatty Crone said...

Do you have any way to get out? I hate to see this happening to you! sandie

momto8 said...

God knows.

LeAnn said...

Love, hugs and prayers for you both. You are amazing and your faith shines through.

Unknown said...

sending you prayers I am so sorry for the trouble....BIG HUGS>>
miss you my friend

Hootin Anni said...

Hello sweet Denise.
Your blog entry below this saddens me that your stamina stumbled a bit because of the verbal abuse. But, you fell, and got right back up and you dear one are keeping your balance!!

Is it possible you can contact your church by phone and see if someone can assist you in attending?!!!

Just Be Real said...

Hugs to you Denise....

~Neverforsaken~Lisa Dreamchild said...

I will keep praying!
I love you too, and I suffered that way with my stepfather. I will pray harder for your husband's heart to change...even if he does not want church, he must not prevent you from going.

This is in God's hands...do not give up!

Tam said...

Perhaps, through your friends on the web, someone could know someone in your area who could assist? Or perhaps you can place a call to your church to see if anyone would be willing to give you a lift? The only person you have any power over changing - particularly in these kinds of circumstances - is yourself. Create something new - ask if your church has a shuttle service or if someone in your area could assist?

Melanie said...

Oh, I'm so sorry about this, Denise...breaks my heart. Please know I will be praying for you to feel better and that God would work on your husband's heart. Hugs♥

Farida said...

Oh I am sorry. My former boyfriend was the same. He obsessed with me!

Dee said...

Denise you have to do what your heart tells you to do.

Anonymous said...

we are to respect our husband is a commandment of God...but also men has to respect their wife...no one can forbid a person to seek God..if thats the case..is not good denise

i pray for you..no one can decided for you..it is between You and our heavenly father

but that situation is not right
God is involved..

we dont compromise God for no one on earth..

is my humble opinion..

dough keep praying and seek God
he needs to seek God that deliver him.

loves from huub and i...