Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Happenings This Week

Hello sweet friends, hope you are enjoying your week so far. I have to go tomorrow afternoon for a routine mammogram, can we say fun??? Not!! Then, finally, Friday morning at 10 A.M. I will be going to have the x-rays taken of my small intestine, should have results by next Tuesday. Praise God. Next Friday, Coco has to go visit her vet. She has to get weighed, and get two shots. Boy, is she excited. Yea, right!!! Take care everybody, love you all. Have some big, exciting news to share on tomorrows blog post, until then, byeeeeeeeee.


Farida said...

A busy week for you all... by the way, I like the photo and the caption in your header. Very liberating! :)

Alice said...

Big exciting news is exciting!

Parsley said...

Doc and Vet visits are no fun.

~Neverforsaken~Lisa Dreamchild said...

Hi Denise,
Had my mammo two weeks ago...all is normal, Praise God!
Finally you get those xrays...still praying...and God is still in control of it.
Coco is probably not as big a baby as Buddy...It takes me and Jeff both to get/drag him into the vet's office..all the kitties laugh at him, I'm sure!
Blessings and love~ Lisa

Life and Breath and Everything Else said...

I'm looking forward to your big, exciting news post tomorrow :)

Joy said...

God be with you both Denise.

Inger said...

Samson my Samoyed and I will keep you and Cocoa in your thoughts.

Love Bears All Things said...

Mammograms are not fun but necessary...I'm glad you're keeping up with yours.
Vet visits: me too. Smokey was relatively easy though. He cried a little about being in his carrier but was a good boy for Dr Namie.
Hope all your tests turn out well. I have two GI tests next Wednesday, trying not to get anxious about it too soon.
Love you,
Mama Bear

Lisa in Texas = ) said...

Happy to see you might be feeling a bit better. <> to you dear lady, Lisa :O)

Chatty Crone said...

God is going to be with you today and tomorrow! sandie

Joyful said...

Can't wait to hear the exciting news. Praying for your tests. Hugs. xx

Joyful said...

Can't wait to hear the exciting news. Still praying about your x-ray. Hugs. xx

David C Brown said...

"But he gives more grace"; be encouraged as someone who has encouraged. "He that watereth shall be watered also himself".

Dee said...

Busy week...I pray all goes well.

Cathy said...

I'm glad things are sounding better. Looking forward to the surprise. Love you, Hugs

Pamela said...

I read back a few posts to "catch up" and my heart hurts for you. I'm praying for a miracle with your name written on it. God loves you, Denise. You will come forth as Gold!