Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday Afternoon

Last November, I had a heart attack, and triple bypass surgery.  I was very sick, came close to death. After I got out of intensive care, they brought me a teddy bear, I had to hold it tight to my chest every time I coughed. The name of the bear is brave heart. My husband had
already brought me a bear from home called heart beat bear. You put your ear to the teddy bears heart, and you can hear a heart beat. I collect teddy bears, I love them very much. My nickname is shorty bear. Thanks Lord for giving me comfort through these precious teddy bears.


Small Kucing said...

A speedy recovery to you Shorty Bear :)

RCUBEs said...

"Shorty Bear" sticks to one's mind since I had gotten to know you. You're a sweet sister yet an amazing prayer warrior. Love all those bears you're hugging! :) But you're the one that stands out! Fierce...no matter what storm yet gentle with heart full of love from God. Be strong sister...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Such sweet little bears. Wishing you all the best as you continue to recover. ((Hugs))

Karen said...

Now I just LOVE those pics of you with your bears...thank You, Lord, for our shorty bear!

Ifeoma Samuel said...

You are brave Denise. It is well with you.
Thank you for sharing your story and encouraging many.
Blessings to you and your family

Anonymous said...

Bears make me smile!

betty-NZ said...

Simple things are the one most certain to make one smile. Loving your bears and praying you stay healthy.