Thursday, September 3, 2015

Thankful Thursday

Each morning, as soon as I open my eyes, and begin to wake up, I take a deep breathe in, and blow it out. Why do I do that?  I am starting my day, by breathing in my Father, and all of His goodness, peace, and beauty, and blowing out the world, and all the chaos, pain, and drama, that can try to invade my life. I am thankful for every breathe that God blesses me with daily. Since my heart attack, and triple bypasses, I truly realize how very precious each breathe is. My breathing is not at all like it use to be, but, I am still able to breathe. I am here, and I am breathing, praise God. Now, everyone, breathe in, breathe out. Praise God for another day of life.


aspiritofsimplicity said...

May you have bountiful blessings today.

Anonymous said...

Amen :-)

suzy mae said...

I love the idea of breathing in the peace of God and breathing out all the stresses of this world :) And just to let you know, your giveaway gifts are wrapped and on their way!

Celestina Marie said...

Beautiful and thankful thoughts. Happy September! cm

stevevhan said...

This is something to remind us that God gave us another day to live our lives yet never forgetting that as we live, we do it cautiously to praise Him. :)

LeAnn said...

I loved reading this one! Just take each day breathe and keep up the beautiful thoughts.
Sending prayers and love your way~

Aritha said...

So beautiful. A reminder for me to do it also.