Saturday, July 26, 2014

Bye For Now

It has been almost a week since I gave an update. Eddie's dad Bill, is doing much better, he got to come home from the hospital yesterday, praise God. Monday, July 28th, Eddie goes back to see the Doctor. They will be doing an x-ray of his foot. We will find out if he is able to go back to work now, or if he still needs healing time. Financially, things are not good. We are still waiting to see if he is going to be approved for short term disability. He got a check the first week he was off, it was for $90.00. The second week, he got a check for $72.00. He got nothing this week. Rent is due this coming Friday, August 1st. Eddie had put back some money, praise God. We are having to use it to get our car fixed, $1,891.00. They said the car should be ready by the end of next week. We received a letter today from our lawyer, he dropped us as his client. He said he did not believe he could win our case. Our landlord is not liable for anything. The tree falling, was an act of nature. Case closed. So, as you can all imagine, it has been a very sad day here at the Oldham's. Experiencing a mixture of emotions. Sadness, worry, hurt. But, God is still with us, watching over us. He will never leave us. I am holding on extra tightly to the hem of His garment. Where would I be without Him??? Where could I turn, but to Him. As of Monday, July 28th, I will be offline. Financially, I cannot afford to pay for internet service right now. I will be back as soon as I possibly can. Please take care, and know that you are all loved, and prayed for. Please do not forget me, I will be thinking of you all, and missing you. Bye for now.


Joyful said...

Sorry to hear about this season of your life dear Denise. But continue to hold on tight. Prayers will continue. God bless and big hugs. xx

Stephanie said...

Oh my friend, you have been heavy on my heart for the last week and now I know why. . .
You are going through some fiery trials right now, but I know God will bring you through it stronger.
You are in my thoughts and prayers, dear Denise!
I love you!

Chatty Crone said...

I don't understand but never ever give up!

Sharon said...

Denise, you will never be far from thoughts and prayers. May God be especially close with His presence during this most difficult time.

Return when you can, and in the meantime, you will be sorely missed, friend.


Monika said...

I keep my fingers crossed for you, ad I'm going to wait for your happy return :*

sweetvintageofmine said...

Hi Denise, You have been on my mind this past week as well. You and Eddie are really going through a tough will get better. Prayers~~~Roxie said...

Praying for peace and for God to supply all your needs!
I will not forget to pray for you dear one. Love and Hugs Grams

child of God said...

John 16:33
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

Continuing to pray for you Denise. I love your faith in God. Keep pressing in and clinging to Him, we won't forget you hon.


Celestina Marie said...

Dear Denise, I am so sorry for your whole ordeal but God is with you and will not leave you at this point. HE will bring you through it all and be better for it.
Take good care, thoughts and prayers come your way till we see you again in blogland.
Hugs and Blessings

kc bob said...

Asking God to show himself strong for you Denise.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I am so sorry, my heart aches for you. God is good and I know He loves you very much. Do you use a laptop? You can use free internet at Starbucks and some McDonald's. I will be keeping you in my prayers.

Mom to 3 said...

Thanking and praying for you dear friend! May God bless you and Eddie and may you feel his peace and comfort.

Your friend,


Karen said...

Continuing to pray for you. God will not let you down. Love & Hugs, Karen

Covenant Grace said...

I will continue to lift you up in prayer.

BumbleBeeLane said...

Oh sweet friend know that you are thought of and prayed for. I have been through similiar trials and it's very scary but in the end we always were seen through it, sometimes God just has a differnt plan and it's very hard to see the light when going through the darkness. Keeping you and Eddie in prayer.

LeAnn said...

This too will pass and you will receive the blessings after this. You are faithful and I know God knows and loves you both.
Blessings, prayers and hugs for you!

Lisa in Texas = ) said...

Praying for you guys! Also wanted to let you know how much I love your cover photo about you never trying to be someone your not. It's great - that is one of the many things I love about you!
Lisa :O)

Debbie Harris said...

My dear friend, Denise.
I will miss you! I understand your situation, and the Lord will see you through this time. Keep your faith strong and claim the promises of God each and every day. He is faithful to His own, and He will look after you and your husband in all your needs.
Bless you my friend.
Much love, Debbie

Christa said...

Sorry this is happening. Will miss your blogs. God bless

~Neverforsaken~Lisa Dreamchild said...

My dear friend,
I am sad to read this today, but I know that our Lord will uphold you and keep you as He has promised to...I pray for you everyday, and although you may not be able to read this today...I am not only praying for your physical and financial needs, but also for your spiritual and emotional well-being too.
Remember the joy of the Lord is your strength, and it is in His presence where you can find fullness of Joy...That cannot be bought or attained any other way, but through having Jesus in your life every single day!
Praise the Lord that there is no cost to us, because He paid it all.
I will never stop praying for you and Eddie, and I will not forget you...I will hope that you can come back online soon though.
Never forget how much you are loved by so many, including me!
Blessings and ((hugs)) Love you~ Lisa

Dianna said...

I am so sorry about all of this, Denise. I'll miss you, and will look forward to when you can be back with us. Prayers in the meantime!
Dianna xo

Dee said...

You will be missed and in my sorry all this is happening. Hugs from Dee

Denise said...

I am glad to find I can still leave You a message.Please do leave Me a message when You get back to Your blog.I now wish I knew where I put Your address so I could write You a real life letter.I know You are both hurting in several ways.Our Lord Jesus knows that too. He is very close to You and loves You very much.Love to You Dear Denise....from Denise

Kristin Bridgman said...

Dear Denise, I've been gone for awhile and came back today to read this. I am so sorry! I will be praying for God's provisions to come through and that you can come back on line. You are such a blessing to so many. May we all lift you and your husband up now for you. I'll be watching for you~

Katie said...

i always admire your faith. keep holding onto the truth that God will always be there!

Alecia Simersky said...

Praying for you Denise. I'm so sorry things have gotten this bad. You will not be forgotten, you have touched so many hearts with your kind heart and virtual presence. Come back as soon as you can. Love you.

Christa said...

Prayers for your well being. Greater is He who is in us then he who is in the world. God Bless