Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tree Crash

Well, this morning Eddie went out to go to work, it was just 3:50A.M. All of a sudden, I heard a aweful sound, scared me, and Coco both. She started growling, would not stop. Then, our car alarm started going off, I knew something had happened. I went running to the door, opened it, ran down the hallway, wearing nothing but my night shirt. As I got to the door that goes outside, there came Eddie. The parking space where we park at our apartment, has a tree beside it. Eddie said, he was standing beside the car, getting ready to open the car door, and he heard a loud crackling sound. He looked up, and saw the tree fixing to fall, of course, he was totally shocked. Bless his heart, he tried to run, but did not make it. The tree fell across our car, knocking Eddie to the pavement, and pinning him underneath. It fell on the next two cars beside Eddie's also. We called Eddie's mom to come take Eddie to the ER. He had scratches all over his back, and arm, and one on his head. He broke his right foot, he has a splint, and is on crutches. He is trying to get short term disability, because he cannot work right now. We have no car. The back windshield is totally gone, two huge dents on top of the car, and lots of scratches. I praise God for taking care of Eddie this morning, it could have been so much worse. That was our day!! Please keep us in your prayers, we both need them. Blessings and hugs to you all.


Valerie said...

Oh NO! you poor dears. Sending lots of tender thoughts and prayers for healing. Thinking of you both! What a close call. Blessings and Sunshine, Valerie

~Neverforsaken~Lisa Dreamchild said...

Praising the Lord that Eddie was not hurt worse...although it is bad enough!
~Praying for provision for you both, for finances and a car...I know when Jeff hit that deer it took awhile for the insurance to get the van fixed.
Did the tree fall because of a storm?
If you don't have insurance, maybe the landlord's property insurance will cover this damage.
Praying for you,
Love you~ Lisa

Cranberry Morning said...

Praying for you and Eddie. What a scary time. Praise God that Eddie was relatively okay after that incident. Yikes! As you said, it could have been so very much worse.

Melanie said...

Will be praying for you and Eddie. So glad it wasn't worse!!

Denise said...

Oh My !!!! Sounds like something You would see on the evening news.How strange is that,that He would be out there getting in the car the same time the tree fell,such early hours too.God works in mysterious ways some times. God was there with Eddie.A MAJESTIC GOD We have.

Anonymous said...

It seems we are both in a storm right now. Prayers.

Sharon said...

Oh Denise, how horrible! And how very scary. Will pray for Eddie, that he'll be able to get disability, and that he will heal quickly with relatively little pain.

Oh goodness, words fail me.

I don't always understand God's purposes in suffering, but I know He's there. Praying that the two of you will feel His presence especially near.


Unknown said...

oh dear Lord, I am so glad Eddie wasn't hurt worse. Praying for you both.
was it storming?
hugs n blessings

Joyful said...

Praying. Hugs. Praise God Eddie is more or less okay.

Covenant Grace said...

I'm praying that Eddie will have a speedy recovery.

Monica said...

Oh my goodness Denise! How scary! So thankful it wasn't worse and will be praying for a quick healing!

Karen said...

Oh my! That was really something! So glad it wasn't any worse. Praying for you all.

Debbie Harris said...

That is amazing Denise! The Lord sure had His hand on Eddie, why that tree could have really hurt him.
I will be praying for you both in your healing as well as provision.
Our God is a great God, and He can do great and mighty things!
Have a blessed day my friend.
Joy! Debbie

Stephanie said...

Oh my! I am so thankful both of you are okay! You and Eddie will certainly be in my prayers, sweet friend.

Sending hugs your way! Love you

Shelby said...

Oh Denise! Praise the Lord that your lovebug is mostly all in one piece. I'm sorry about the car but, compared to losing Eddie, I guess losing the car is not such a thing. Praying for you guys. Love you, friend

Alecia Simersky said...

oh my goodness! So glad he is ok and it wasn't any worse. He was probably in shock for a while! Well, on the bright side, you get extra quality time together :)

Ceil said...

Oh my gosh! That is horrible! I am so glad that Eddie is okay, he could have been killed for Pete's sake. Praise to God that he was able to get to the doctor. I hope your insurance will work fast on the car.

Prayers coming you way for sure my friend!

Mary said...

Oh.My.Gosh! As bad as it was, at least he wasn't hurt worse.

DELETED said...

maybe a message?

RCUBEs said...

((((sister Denise)))

Celestina Marie said...

Oh My Goodness~What an awful event. Thank God it was not worse for Eddie. I know it is bad enough but thankfully he was not knocked out or worse. The car took a terrible hit, but that can be replaced.
Praying for a prompt recovery for Eddie. The angels were watching over.
Take good care.

Lisa in Texas = ) said...

Oh my goodness~ I am so glad to hear that he is alright and he was not hurt any worse. Will be praying that the short term disability will come through and that your car can be fixed. And continued protection from God.
Lisa :O)

Joy said...

So terrible, but still thanks God that Eddie was spared. Take care. Praying for you both!

child of God said...

I'm so glad Eddie wasn't seriously hurt! Praying for a quick recovery and insurance to cover the damage to your vehicle.


GranthamLynn said...

Praying for you. Glad it wasn't worse!

Cathy said...

Oh my...I'm so glad he wasn't hurt worse.

LeAnn said...

I think it was a miracle that he didn't get hurt worse. I think he had a guardian angel for sure.
Sending lots of prayers for you both.
Blessings, prayers and hugs!