Monday, June 23, 2014

The journey begins

Happy Monday sweet friends. Well, I started my journey to better living this morning. I stepped on my scale, and it screamed, tilt, tilt. My weight at the beginning of this journey is 147. I will be having my weigh in every Monday morning. I started my morning with breakfast, of course. I am eating Atkins dinners for breakfast. Being a type 1 diabetic, it is very important that I watch my carb intake. My total carb intake with each meal, can be 45 carbs. After breakfast, I went walking for an hour. Woo Hoo, loved it. Came home, did some chores around the apartment, then ate another Atkins meal for my lunch. After lunch, went walking for another thirty minutes. When I got home, rested a little. Then, I exercised with my exercise bands, and hand weights, for thirty minutes. I drank an Atkins shake for my supper. So, total carbs for today=57 Total exercise for today=2 hours For those of you who are also on a journey, good luck. Cheering you on, let me know how you are doing.


Lisa in Texas = ) said...

Wow- I will be so glad when my energy level gets as good as yours is!! You did good!
Lisa :O)

BumbleBeeLane said...

You go girl! Sounds like you are off to a good start. Warm Blessings! Amy

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great start! hugs~

Denise said...

Oh My !!!!!! You are going to be My inspiration.What a magnificent start.That's WONDERFUL. So much movement and good eating.OK, now that I know You started today.I want to start.Love You STRONG LADY......and You are strong in more ways than one way-many ways.

Joy said...

So nice Denise! Keep going!

rcubes said...

That's great sister! And I pray for your strength to continue and persevere...Take care! God bless.

Mary said...

Amazing! I'm still sticking to my schedule & diet, and am frustrated that the weight isn't coming off. I feel better, though, so I guess that's the important part!

child of God said...

Nice work!! Praying you on. :)


Celestina Marie said...

Great Job as you start on the road to better health. You really had a powerful day with the walks and meals. Cheering you on~~ can you hear me clapping??

Blessings for much success!!

Feisty Mama said...

You are so brave I keep thinking I need to just post my weight so as I am not ready to do it on my blog yet I hope you don't mind if I join you on your blog. Today's weight 142, thanks for being an inspiration.

Cathy said...

Wow! Great way to start!!

Valerie said...

Yay you! Will be cheering you on!
Blessings, Valerie

Saleslady371 said...

Good for you! I'm on the journey also and it's not easy. Let's pray for each others success!

GranthamLynn said...

Great job. Great start!
Have a great Wednesday.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Way to go, you can do this and the less carbs you eat the less you desire. That's a fact! My goal is to get to 147 pounds so your way ahead of me.

LeAnn said...

Oh my gosh you are doing great; keep up the good works but don't over do it.
Blessings and hugs!