Monday, June 30, 2014

Busy Day

Well, we went to the ortho doctor today. They put a boot on Eddie's foot. No walking , or working, for 6-8 weeks. He goes back in a month, to have the foot x-rayed again. Doctor also wrote him a prescription for a knee walker. We are in the process of trying to get one, very expensive. I had to pay our rent today, the landlord would not even look at me, or speak to me. I called a lawyer, he wants us to come in and talk to him. He said, they might be able to help us. I am hoping that my dad will be able to take us to see the lawyer this week. Please pray everything will work out. I love you all so much.


Stephanie said...

Praying for you and all that you're facing right now, dear Friend. If there is anything I can do, please let me know!

Love and hugs!

Denise said...

OX-Thanks for keeping Us all up to date.My prayers are always with You.A knee walker?Can't picture it.

Lisa in Texas = ) said...

I will continue to pray that the situation will be resolved.
Lisa :O)

Debbie Harris said...

Denise, I continue to hold all this up in prayer. God is with you. :)
In our area Salvation Army has a service where they have equipment you can use for free for as long as you need it. Maybe there is something like that in your area? You may want to try the hospitals as well.
The Lord bless you.
Joy! Debbie

Wise Hearted said...

Denise just sent up a prayer.

Sharon said...

Denise, I've been down taking care of my mom, and I've been a little out of touch for a week or so. But, now that I am catching up with you, I know what to pray for. I'm glad that at least for now Eddie doesn't need surgery. And, I am praying that the Lord will lead you to the right people to get some help during his healing period. And also some resolution...

GOD BLESS, dear one!

Sharon said...

Denise, just left you a comment. Not sure if it went through. Gonna try this again...

Julie - More Of Him said...

Oh, Denise. I am praying over this situation for you and your hubby. Regarding the knee walker, we were in the same situation needing things for me when I had my botched surgery. Hubby found everything I needed at the thrift stores - like new and cheap! I don't know if this is an option for you, but I thought I would mention it.

God will have His hand on you both through this situation!!

Love you - Julie

moreofhim said...

I'm not sure if my other comment came through, Denise. I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you and your hubby! I am praying that God will have His hand on both of you through all this.

Regarding the walker, my hubby found everything I needed at thrift stores - like new - at very low prices! I don't know if this would be an option for you, but thought I would mention it.

Love you - Julie

LeAnn said...

I am so praying for all to go well for you both.
Blessings, prayers and hugs too.

Monika said...

Good people will help you, I'm sure.

Joyful said...

I pray it all works out for you both dear one. Big hugs. xx

Joyful said...

One more thing, following on what Debbie suggested, there might be a loan program at the local Red Cross for medical equipment. Hopefully something will work out.

David C Brown said...

The Lord bless you both through this!

Cranberry Morning said...

What trials you endure, dear Denise! Your unwavering faith in God is an inspiration. And now roaches? I'll have to admit I laughed at your comment about them being listed on the lease. lol

Blessings, dear warrior.