New Blog Name
I guess everyone noticed that I changed the name of my blog, and the look again. The name of my blog is now-Just me, being me. I named it that, because that is how I feel. I am just me, being me. Nothing more, nothing less. I am for real, totally. Hope you like the real me. Be blessed, love you all.

Morning Denise, I really like the new look and new name of your blog!! Very cheerful and down to earth...I pray you have a wonderful and blessed week~~~I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me!! Roxie
Hi Denise, your blog changes are good and I hope your physical health has great good changes too.
Blessings Denise, So many blog posts for me to leave comments that I had a hard time deciding which one ... except that when I opened to your blog and saw your new changes ... I was delighted!
Love the Max Lucado quote that you have there on Feb.10th (in case that's changed) ... I did not see the title anywhere of "Just Being Me" but I'm glad that the address did not change from shortybear's place :)
You always are as REAL as you can be with us, letting us know you. I always love that about you!
Now on the BEING a HEALTHY YOU ... (did not like the reports I caught up on below of what's going on with you physically). Loved the update on Little Man! And the BEST was opening up today and reading your SONday post of Jesus as your Shepherd. I knew that and that Psalm 23 is one of your favorites. And yes, HE IS!!! (not was, or will be)
Praying and hoping that you have a blessed week and that these blog changes lift your spirit to new heights so that you can find healing in ALL parts of you! I love you so much!
Be good to you and take care as we trust Our Shepherd to let Him guide you to the BEST care you need, lean into Him, sis!
(sorry I can't leave more comments right now, thanks for your many recent visits but I'd much rather see you getting and being well ... as always love your attitude and trust of being in God's hands, so we pray and press on...)LOVE YA!
Yep. We are post stroke different people....just me! Amen.
Nothing better to be than your honest self. You'll always find your true friends and loved ones. Been praying for your health. Amy
Loving the title and loving the name! Keep doing you, my friend.
Love the new look of your blog- it is beautiful - just like you!
Lisa :O)
I love the real you and I love your new layout and name.
Blessings dear one!
Love the real you!
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