Marriage Monday-Open Topic
Does your marriage ever need repair? Do you ever wish you could take it to the garage, like you do your car? Have you found yourself seeking out large band aids to cover the gaping, bleeding holes in your marriage? Well, if so, let me assure you my friend, you are not alone. Every since my health has started going done hill, so has my marriage. I feel like my husband is now my full-time caregiver, and doctor. I do not feel like a wife, instead, I feel like a child. I dwell on a deserted island, alone, and miserable. But, I have not given up hope, or given up on my marriage.Nor, will I ever. I am in this marriage for the long haul. Which, by the way, means, in sickness, and in health, until death, do we part. My marriage is not disposable, would never think of throwing it away. I am putting my full body armour on, and preparing to fight, fight, fight. Round one, ding, ding, ding!!!
thats right friend keep fighting we all have different kind of struggles
who doesn't ? someones more than others and in different ways
as christians we can lean on God and what about those who still are lost? like our own family?
i keep the faith no matter the enemy tries to make me believe im not going to make it..jesus is not done with
us not in a life time
we are more than conquerers..
thrue our lord Yeshua
wish i will lived near to make you smile..blessings sweet sister..
by the way my messanger has problems with the can email me to
love hearing from you..
It seems that the adversary - spoken of in 1 Peter 5:8 is really attacking marriages. He has mine as well. I keep trusting in God and have made the commitment just as you have. God is on our side. God bless and may you see Him moving in restoring your marriage, Lisa :O)
That's right you go girl.That's how it should be.Hold on tight to Jesus in the storm of life,He is all there is,He is everything.He cares about what you care about.He is watching over you.Thank you for your sweet compliment,you are a Dear.
Praying for you and your husband.
This broken world is doing all it can to break what God has put.... but it will never win unless we want it to influence us.
We need Jesus so much to come close to His promises.
I admire your spirit and your resolve so much, Denise. When one shows only the love-Godly love, I am positive it will have a good influence on those around you. Hang in there and go for Jesus, dear.
Praying for your healing and restoration of your marriage in the name of Jesus.
You are always so positive in your hope. The Savior will walk beside you as you go through this process of working on your marriage. You both will be in my prayers.
Most marriages go through rough spots...some of the toughest are health and financial. I will pray for your husband...God knows what i need to pray. Hugs..Dee
Amen, Denise. You go girl!
Sending you warm hugs...
Thanks for linking up for Marriage Monday.
e-Mom @ Chrysalis
Praying for you! You are a blessing.
Hold on. Your one step closer each time you kick the enemy in the ____ and trust and have faith.
And look even today I am comment #12. You have a whole ton of people that love you. That God has given you to remind you how special you are.
Thanks for what you do to make us feel special.
Love and hugs,
I am glad you found the perfect person to help you through the hard times. I would pray that you'd be well soon. Fight!
Bless you Denise for not giving up. God is there for you. Take care.
I'm with you, girl.
So glad to read your post about sticking with your marriage through the good AND difficult times. When I was dealing with lyme disease and had an 8 yr old and 2 yr old who were BUSY, my husband and I had many days of barely seemed so tough on our marriage. yet we knew God had put us together in "Sickness and in Health" so we just did a LOT of praying and seeking His face. You go!! And as I was scrolling down to find this post I saw your "project me" goals....very cool!!!! good luck training for the 5k. i am a walker but definitely NOT a runner!!
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